Saturday, September 26, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Boehner Resigned? Good. Go Cry, Drink And Surrender Somewhere Else.

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Buh Bye, Boehner

Boehner Resigned? Good--Go Cry, Drink And Surrender Elsewhere: John Hawkins
Grassroots 1 - Boehner 0: Logan Albright
Judicial Watch Statement on Boehner Resignation: JW

GOP Representative: Mitch McConnell ‘Next Guy in the Crosshairs’: Joel Gehrke
Harry Reid sorry to see John ‘compromise’ Boehner leave Congress: Doug Powers
Why John Boehner quit: Manu Raju and Deirdre Walsh


Speech: Ted Cruz at the Values Voter Summit: Treehouse
Speech: Donald Trump at the Value Voters Summit: Treehouse
Are Trump, Carson and Fiorina Masquerading as Outsiders?: Paula Dwyer

Embedded German Journalist: IS Plans on Killing Millions: Christopher W. Holton
Iran Deal's Premise Is Wrong — They Likely Have a Bomb: Roll Call
Liberals Are Done Debating: David Harsanyi


Stock Markets Of 10 Largest Economies Are All Crashing: Michael Snyder
Black Lives and the Death of a Culture: Deana Chadwell
BNSF: We will shut down: Fred Frailey

Scandal Central

Emails between Hillary and Petraeus discovered, contracting her sworn testimony: John Hayward
Fake Crime: The Z Man
Former Clinton Scandal Person Arrested: Boots and Sabers


Levin: Pope Francis and Obama 'Speak Down To Us': Breitbart
Here we go again: Cruz vs. McConnell and Boehner: Alexander Bolton
Hillary Clinton's big donors in California have found all sorts of reasons to be nervous: LAT


White House Puts Black Screens Up On Windows To Keep Chinese PM From Seeing Protesters: WZ
The Holocaust Museum Defends Muslim Brotherhood Nazis: Daniel Greenfield
Pope says Koran is a book of peace and Islam is a peaceful religion: DailyMail

Radical Pope: Matthew Vadum
German Reporter Reveals ISIS Plans 'Nuclear Tsunami': Nir Har-Zahav
German Woman Evicted From Home to Make Room for Muslim Invaders: MB

Refugee camps in Germany rife with rape and child abuse: Rick Moran
Saudi royal family member arrested for sexual assault in L.A.: Jazz Shaw
Saudi grapple with stampede aftermath as hajj ends: Aya Batrawy

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Smartphone passcodes are protected by the Fifth Amendment, says US court: Naked Security
Behind the wheel: is Uber the great job creator it claims to be?: Margi Murphy
Air NZ disturbed by ‘reckless use of drones’: sUAS News


Crazy Wingsuit Flight - The Great Dario - Graham Dickinson & Dario Zanon: Graham Dickinson
Weekly Roundup: SSTP**: MOTUS
Buh-Bye Boner 'toons: Reaganite

Image: GOP Representative: Mitch McConnell ‘Next Guy in the Crosshairs’
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #SaveTheConstitution: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "If you vote for Hillary, you are voting for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. If you vote for me, under no circumstances will a theocratic country led by an ayatollah that chats death to America, will Iran be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. And if the ayatollah doesn’t understand that, we may have to introduce him to the 72 virgins." --Sen. Ted Cruz

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    The Democrats are not the ones to lecture Republicans, Levin exhibits good judgment. A reckoning is needed because it is no longer "the severity of the charges", it is now their track record of "filling the swamp". They love the shiny image and rub it daily but they have only a bald, toothless, bi-sexual muslim potus, a tranny flotus, and a sordid roundup of radicals, homosexuals, drinkers, murderers, baby killers, liars, big spenders, old thinkers, and compromised Judges who are incapable of pumping the bilge. So don't scream 'morality' at me, it is incumbent upon Republicans to play hardball. We've got their backs if they do, if they don't then they must offer us their necks for the Republic is at stake.
