Monday, September 14, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Calls to depose GOP leadership mount

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Calls to depose GOP leadership mount: 'Who is in charge right now?': Barbara Boland
Making sense of the GOP's cave-in on the Iran deal: Lee Cary
McCain: Internet, Not Muslim Immigrants, The Threat To U.S. Safety: Patrick Cleburne

Judge: Congress can sue over Obamacare: Amy Miller
How Obama has fundamentally transformed politics: Michael Barone
Whoa: 50 military intel chiefs just REVOLTED against Obama: Allen West

Poll: Trump commands lead in Iowa, N.H. and S.C.: Curt Mills
Ben Carson sets forth a sort of amnestyish sounding immigration plan: Jazz Shaw
Ted Cruz Wins FreedomWorks Straw Poll at 9/12 Grassroots Summit: Iris Somberg

The GOPe Roadmap, Status Update and The Event Horizon…: Treehouse
Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running Strongest Against Her: EIB
Hillary Says She’s a Progressive Moderate: S. Noble


Just How Big is the Government?: Steven Hayward
Judge rules on taxi industry lawsuit: Compete with Uber or die: Erik Engquist
Minimum wage increase push just a political ploy: Chris Woodward

Scandal Central

Is the White House behind the manipulation of ISIS reporting?: RS
In the Left’s Story of Government, the State Is Always the Hero: Jonah Goldberg
Obama's happy-talk policy spills into the intel world: Exam

Clinton’s Emails from Private Server ‘Might Not Be Erased After All’: David Rutz
Justice Department on emails: No reason not to believe Hillary: Byron York
Here’s what Trey Gowdy thinks about giving Clinton staffers’ immunity . . . and pleading the 5th: BPR

Climate & Energy

Court rips EPA for approving Dow insecticide linked to honeybee deaths: Paul Bedard


Jake Tapper thinks the GOP debate is all about him: FAM
Clinton surrogates declare war on the NY Times: T. Becket Adams
So Much Scolding, So Little Time: SDA

The Obnoxious and Important Questions I Would Ask At The GOP Debate: Kurt Schlichter
Maker of ‘Airplane’ Movies Destroys Obama’s Horrid Iran Deal With Hilarious ‘Iran Side Effects’: Publius
CNN Laughs at Hillary Clinton After Clips Where She Claims To Be Progressive AND Moderate: Right Pundit


The Third World Is On The Move. This Will Get WAY Worse Before It Gets Better: John Derbyshire
“We Can’t Take Any More!” German Ministers Call For Controls On Borders, Trains: WZ
Residents Cheer as Michigan City Denies Muslims Building Permit for 20,500 Sq. Ft Mosque: LibertyNews

Europe's Refugee Crisis: Violence, Demands, and Muslim Conquest: Carol Brown
Syrian military and ISIS have been ‘ignoring’ each other on the battlefield: Matthew Henman
The collapse of Christianity in the Middle East: RS

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

People began creating own TSA master keys using 3D printing: Suzanne Jean
How I broke the 40 minute 10K barrier with tech: Gareth Beavis
An Angry China May Cancel Xi Trip To Washington Over US Cyber Sanctions: ZH


Statements on the death of Moses Malone: InsideHoops
Intense color footage of WWI [video]: Holy Kaw!
Marcus Mariota Finished with a Perfect Passing Rating, 4 TD Passes in Debut: Jason McIntyre

Image: California Wildfire Forces Thousands From Homes
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ReadyForLiberty: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "This is not a fight about politics. This is a fight about life and death. That Washington Republicans refuse to see that explains why they’re getting their butts kicked by a guy like Donald Trump. Their cynicism will be their death, even as they try to keep the death train rolling for Planned Parenthood." --Erick Erickson


  1. Anonymous6:56 PM

    The only joy I have today is seeing how Barry's toupee gets applied slightly differently from day to day. In the right light it looks like a Maxi-Pad with wings.
    I suppose he really is an airhead as that thing is so thin it wouldn't protect a person on their lightest days.

  2. Live Streaming: Donald Trump Dallas Event
