Thursday, September 24, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Hillary Screams at Obama: 'Call Off Your F-ing Dogs'

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Hillary Screams at Obama: 'Call Off Your F-ing Dogs': Max
The Republican Party’s Surrender Politics: Sen. Ted Cruz
Cruz Battles Surrender Monkey McConnell on Planned Parenthood: CHQ

No Refugees, No Terrorism: Daniel Greenfield
The Crisis of Now: Distracted from an Ever-Growing Police State: Rutherford
President Selfie Stick and Pope Tambourines at the White House: Jonathan V. Last

Muslims the fastest-growing immigrant group in U.S.: Creeping
MD: Muslims buying houses from city to ‘carve out a Muslim community’: Creeping
Offended Muslims Erupt on School board: Douglas Ernst

Jeb! falls to 6th in GOP field polling: Unyielding
Boehner coup talk has House GOP on edge: Scott Wong
Chris Christie Confiscates Guns from Man because He Owned Grandpa's WWII M1: PON

Karl Rove Got Planned Parenthood Its Komen Money Back: Erick Erickson
Debbie Wasserman Schultz goes full-metal crazy pants: RS
Still Defending ‘Christian’ Obama: Brent Bozell

Scandal Central

Hillary Clinton: Come Clean or Get Out: Ron Fournier
Emails show Huma Abedin's ties to private consulting firm: Rachael Bade
State Dept. New Batch of Clinton Aides’ Private Emails May Also Contain Classified Info: Alana Goodman

Obama's Genocidal Treason: Daniel Greenfield
Killing Babies: It’s Obama Administration Policy: John Hinderaker
20 Reasons It's Completely Reasonable to Believe Obama Is a Muslim: TAB


Clockboy's sister was once suspended from school for threatening to blow it up: Robert Spencer
Daily Beast Reporter Ignores Clockboy's sister's bomb threat: Ace
Trump Cuts Ties With Fox News: Joe Perticone

CNN’s Don Lemon Bluntly Asks Hillary Clinton if She Created the Obama ‘Birther’ Conspiracy: Blaze
2007 memo Hillary’s campaign says Obama was not American: FAM
Epic Media Fail of the Year: Power Line


Mainstream Islamic Doctrine: Build a Caliphate: Christopher W. Holton
The Emperor's Moral Narcissism: Mark Steyn
Renowned German newsman in hiding after death threats for exposing political corruption behind migration crisis: BNI

Chinese Military Personnel Expected to Arrive in Syria: Leth Fadel
Obama's Syria Doctrine: Blaming Others For His Own Failures: Lee Smith
Chinese Air-To-Air Missile Hits Targets, Spooks USAF General: Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Search Continues: Scientists to Use Radar in Hunt for the Tomb of Nefertiti: Alicia McDermott
OPM: 5 Times More Federal Employees Had Fingerprint Data Stolen in Hack Than First Thought: Jack Moore
Federal Government Researchs Tech To Remotely Track, Disrupt, Destroy Guns: Bob Owens


A Tribute To a Great One: His Wise Words Are Timeless: MOTUS
Politically-incorrect images (NSFW): Maggie's Farm
Joe Gets Ready To Make A Move: Springer's Blog

Image: New Use for Vintage TVs
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Because Karl Rove Hates Him: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "In fact, killing babies and selling their body parts is officially supported by the Democratic Party. We know this because of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which has passed the House. The Act declares that “If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.” It makes it a crime to kill a baby that has been born alive in the course of an attempted abortion–which, I take it, would include situations, as described in the Planned Parenthood videos, where the abortion appointment comes too late, and the baby is born in the normal course before he or she can be aborted...

...[In stating he will veto this bill,] Barack Obama is officially in favor of killing babies that are born alive, and selling their organs...

...For many years, I wrote nothing about abortion, never having taken much interest in the issue. But the Planned Parenthood videos have been an eye-opener, for me as for many others. I had no idea that such corruption is not only being permitted, but is financed by a half billion taxpayer dollars. If the Democrats, hungry to profit a few measly dollars from the sale of body parts, can’t draw the line at murdering babies who are born alive, they are far sicker than I realized. Let’s get the House bill through the Senate, and let Obama fulfill his threat to veto it. That will make for an interesting Rose Garden press conference." --

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    As far as I'm concerned, it is already over. Done deal. Finis. The end. Of these United States. And thus I cannot remain. I will not stay. I will not watch, the continued brutal rape. Of Lady Liberty.

    Negev bound (I figure it'll take a year?).

    Meantime, I still gotts links (old habits). Via Lucianne

    'Militia will arrest senators for treason, vows anti-Islam rally organizer'

