Friday, September 25, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: In ‘The Camp Of The Saints’: Novel Popes And Reverends

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In ‘The Camp Of The Saints’: Novel Popes And Reverends: Camp of the Saints
This is What They Do: Christian Mercenary
Useless Idiots: Ann Coulter

The Eunuchs and Would-Be Tyrants of Washington: Joe Cunningham
‘Clock Boy’ and America’s Suicidal PC Tendencies: Ben Shapiro
Do Muslims in the U.S. believe Sharia law supersedes the Constitution?: Robert Spencer

Mitch McConnell Has Funded the Abortion Industry For Years: SCF
The Bare Naked Truth about the GOP and 2016: J. Robert Smith
Trump retains lead as 2/3 of Republicans feel ‘betrayed’ by GOP: Daily Mail

Reminder: Why Trump Battles The Fox News Machine…: Treehouse
Just What Is Carly Fiorina’s Record?: Erick Erickson
“Bacha Bazi”: Obama’s Silence on Afghan Military’s Child Rape: Michelle Malkin


Lawmaker demands audit of U.S. refugee costs: Barbara Boland
Chicago's Massive New Tax Hike: Emanuel Says "Not Done Yet": Mish
Pro-life flyers torn down at American University: Peter Fricke

Scandal Central

Huma Abedin, Hillary influence-peddling revealed in new email drop: Thomas Lifson
Hillary Clinton personally signed deal letting Huma Abedin double dip: John Solomon
Does Hillary Clinton Have Permanent Brain Damage?: Erick Erickson


The Left continues to promote child sex in its efforts to increase state power over the individual: Bookworm
The Ahmad Hoax Is Not Going to Hold, and The Media Will Be Massively Discredited: Ace
Huma Abedin hosts a Paris soiree with Anna Wintour: Kate Bennett

Cloward-Piven Goes to Rome: Maureen Mullarkey
Pope calls for US to embrace illegals — maintains massive wall around Vatican: Olaf Ekberg
Mark Levin to the Pope: Climate Change? What about Christians being raped and slaughtered by ISIS?: Scoop

Training of the Shrew: John Myers
Lowry Deserves Suspension for Poor Taste, Timing of Trump ‘Cut His Balls Off’ Comment: Joe Concha
Trump Tweets Outrage over ‘Balls’ Comment: Fox ‘Owes Me an Apology’: Matt Wilstein


Notice Anything ODD In This Video Of ‘Syrian Refugees’?: Sooper
Brilliant: Egypt may spend $1+ billion in US aid money on Russian helicopters: Matzav
Muslim Migrants Set Up Camp - Trash Christian Cemetery in Croatia : Jim Hoft

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Microsoft Gets CX Wrong in Office 2016 Setup: Scott M. Fulton
The 5 Biggest Social Media Trends of 2015 [Infographic]: Irfan Ahmad
Agile: The good and the not so good: Byron Connolly


Sympathy for the Devil: WOG
The Pilgrims Progress: MOTUS
Caption This Pope Photo!: AWD

Image: Trump retains lead as 2/3 of Republicans feel ‘betrayed’ by their own party leaders
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #RestoreTheRuleOfLaw - TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton greenlighted paperwork that changed her top aide Huma Abedin’s job status to “special government employee” — a classification that allowed Abedin to work for an outside consulting firm and the Clinton Foundation at the same time she was advising Clinton at State...

...the president of the outside company where Abedin ended up working later that year, Doug Band of Teneo, had contacted her in April 2012, asking her for help getting a client appointed to a post on the President’s Global Development Council... In the email, he made sure Abedin knew that the woman, Judith Rodin, president of The Rockefeller Foundation, was also a big supporter of the Clinton Foundation — another place Abedin would collect a paycheck after her SGE status was approved...

[But] Clinton, in an interview with MSNBC on Sept. 4, said she "was not directly involved" with Abedin's job arrangement." --Rachel Bade


  1. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Why should Lowry be suspended for an aphorism when Jesse Jackson was given a pass for wanting to cut the Presidents off? The last time the Press became so affixed with this part of a man's wedding tackle they called them "Giulianis" - and it was OK.

  2. Your kindness and generosity are very much appreciated, Doug.

    Thank you...
