Friday, September 11, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Senator says Obama wants to 'open floodgates' to Syrian refugees and ISIS terrorists

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Report: Obama wants to 'open floodgates' to Syrian and ISIS refugees: Paul Bedard
White House dismisses GOP, says Iran deal in effect next week: Nicole Duran
America’s Reckless Refuge for Jihad: Michelle Malkin

Panic: Hillary Clinton’s support among Democrats is collapsing: RS
DNC nervously refuses to host more debates: Moe Lane
CNN announces 11 candidates for main GOP event: W. James Antle III

10,000 Refugees: The Net Result of Barack Obama’s Inaction: Erick Erickson
Now We Know Why They Keep Calling Them Lone Wolves: Erick Erickson
The Predicate Act: Erick Erickson

DSA Marxists Told To Conceal Their Support For Bernie Sanders: Trevor Loudon
Is Trump's Mouth Going to Finally Destroy Him?: Ace
Huckabee Admits Staffer Physically Blocked Ted Cruz From Kim Davis Rally: TPM


No 'Mainstream' Air Time for Mark Levin: Brent Bozell
Welfare trapping Europeans in poverty: Daniel J. Mitchell
The financial system's biggest risk, hiding in plain sight: Bethany McLean

Scandal Central

Hillary aide refuses to answer Benghazi committee questions: Sarah Westwood
Two Americas: Huma Abedin investigated, absolved for embezzlement.: Moe Lane
Obama breaks the law again: Chip Wood

The Stray Voltage of Bowe Bergdahl: RS
Spitting on the Constitution to pass the Iran deal: John Podhoretz
Undercover Video Purports to Show Hillary Campaign Violating Election Law: Breitbart


Lou Jacobson and PolitiFact descend into self-parody: RS
Clinton Stooge David Brock Has Ugly Temper Tantrum Over New York Times: JWF
Anthony Weiner told to stay away from Hillary Clinton fundraiser: Richard Johnson

Rebranded Hillary is just more of the same: Jonah Goldberg
My Thoughts on Iran and Trump: Ben Stein
Donald Trump, Ted Cruz To Appear on Stephen Colbert’s ‘Late Show’: Brian Steinberg, Variety


"These are not families of 'refugees'...but an army of aggressive young men" : Mark Steyn
The Islamic State’s Rules for its Christian Subjects: Dr. Jacques Neriah
The refugee crisis is exposing Europe’s folly: Rich Lowry

Legal bombshell? Obamacare case may enable Congress to sue Obama over Iran ‘deal’: J.E. Dyer
The Iran Deal in Perspective: John Hinderaker
Ex-Israeli Defense Minister on Iran Nuke Deal: ‘There Will Be Bloodshed, But Israel Is Strong’: Ruthie Blum

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Cancer Sponge: Researchers Develop Implantable Device That Soaks Up Cancers Cells : Victor Johnson
How it Works: Death by Black Hole: Katie Peek
People in the Southwestern United States drank caffeinated drinks in 750 AD: Robin Whitlock


Quick Thoughts on 9/11: Jeff Carter
Fourteen Years On: Mark Steyn
Discovered Video: Michelle Obama Trashes America As Ignorant: Reagan Coalition

Image: White House dismisses GOP, says Iran deal in effect next week
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ReadyForLiberty: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "The chairmen of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Homeland Security Committee invited [Hillary Clinton's email administrator Bryan] Pagliano's attorney to meet with staff from both committees in order to discuss a possible immunity deal, which would allow Pagliano to answer questions about the server without risking incrimination.

Two-thirds of one of the committees involved would need to vote in favor of granting Pagliano immunity, and could only do so after giving the attorney general at least 10 days of notice of their intention to seek the immunity order, a committee aide told the Examiner.

Clinton acknowledged Saturday that she had paid Pagliano personally to manage her private email network." --Sarah Westwood

1 comment:

  1. September 11, 2001 - 9/11 as it happened: ABC New York live broadcast
