Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Helpful USA Today Offers Advice On How To Make Bernie Sanders And Socialism Less Scary

By William Teach

Did you know that the "S" word, Socialism, is scary to Americans? Which makes Democratic Party presidential candidate scary! Somehow, this whole article is in the news section of USA Today, rather than the opinion section

(USA Today) If Bernie Sanders were to win the Democratic presidential nomination, his chances of actually making it to the White House are somewhere between zero and nothing.

That, at least, is the view of some political observers. One of the reasons for their pessimism is Sanders’ political ideology: He’s a self-described "Democratic Socialist."

And the S-word frightens a lot of Americans.

A Pew Research Center survey conducted in December 2011, shortly after the Occupy Wall Street protests, which highlighted the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor, found half of all Americans still had a positive view of capitalism, while 60% had a negative perception of socialism.
“Socialism is a far more divisive word (than capitalism), with wide differences of opinion along racial, generational, socioeconomic and political lines,” Pew said.

“Fully nine-in-ten conservative Republicans (90%) view socialism negatively, while nearly six-in-ten liberal Democrats (59%) react positively. Low-income Americans are twice as likely as higher-income Americans to offer a positive assessment of socialism (43% among those with incomes under $30,000, 22% among those earning $75,000 or more).”

Fortunately, Global Post writer Allison Jackson (the article appeared originally at Global Post) offers 5 ways to make Socialism less scary:

  1. Free baby stuff
  2. More than a year of paid parental leave
  3. Generous unemployment benefits
  4. Free healthcare for everyone
  5. Long holidays (that are paid)

Of course, in Reality Land, none of these are free: someone's paying for it. In pure political theory, Socialism isn't necessarily scary. The Democratic Model has three cores: the Moral, the Economic, and the Political. For Socialism, the government stays out of our private affairs (Moral). There is massive direct democracy, voting on everything, and virtually everyone can vote (Political). But, for the Economic, though, this is where the government is heavily involved in owning the means of production. They own industries, companies. They dictate in the extreme policies for those that are privately owned.

In practice, this doesn't work out so well. Socialists very much want to get involved in citizen's lives. Hence all the "free" stuff, as well as this policy and that policy. The government quite often ignores the votes of the people, as those in charge start establishing a political aristocracy. And getting that heavily involved in the means of production? Here's a word for you: Greece. As the oft-mentioned quote from Margaret Thatcher goes "the problems with socialism is that eventually run out of other people's money".

There's also the problem with rising costs and inflation. The system disincentivizes people from working hard and earning, and drives those who are go getters away.

National Review's Jim Geraghty writes that America now has an openly Socialist party. But, is it really Socialism, or Progressivism? Sanders may be an openly Socialist guy, per his self-description. Yet, these people mostly seem to be Progressives, which Jonah Goldberg referred to as "nice fascists", the nice meaning "they're going to do things for your own good". It creates an authoritarian regime, one where the Central Government becomes involved in virtually every aspect of the citizen's lives. This never turns out well. It's a system in which the people are controlled by the leaders, and every form of government abuses or exceeds it's legitimate power, sooner or later. Fascism makes it that much quicker.

Crossed at Pirate's Cove. Follow me on Twitter @WilliamTeach.


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Socialism is the morally corrupt belief that we each can (and must) live off of the income and wealth of others. Anyone who has read the Bible should know how this violates at least three of the Ten Commandments: lies, coveting and theft. But recall that socialists themselves love to scold the rest of us about "sustainability", yet as Margaret Thatcher once quipped, socialism only works until those running things run out of other people's money.

    So, the dirty secret about socialism is that in the long run, it is not economically "sustainable", and is in fact built to fail. Sadly, socialists not only think they have the right to seize the income and asset of others, many of whom they have never met, they don't stop there. To read Keynes or Marx is to read the plans and proposals of someone who assumes the right to own, control and in the end, to even wholly consume the personhood of others. It is a sociopathology so vast in scope, that it is only restrained by how many humans it can place under its insatiable grasp.

    Socialism is evil, plain and simple. Those who advocate socialism are advocates and supporters of evil. They are our our enemies and are a threat to our lives and our prosperity.

    Socialists must always resort to coercion and compulsion to implement their Utopia. It was not for nothing that Mao said that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Socialism in its various forms has the blood of over 100 million people on its hands from the last century alone.

    [The one who says] 'What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine' is wicked." -- Mishna

    -- theBuckWheat enjoys being anonymous

  2. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Socialism can be made less scary if it is confined to those corrupt cesspools in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America that are bound and determined to remain in the 12th Century. NYC and SF can be socialist as a warning to sane people in the USA.
