Sunday, October 18, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: Why did Hillary copy classified historical State Dept. files to her private server?

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Why did Hillary copy classified historical State Dept. files to her private server?: Treehouse
Iran nuclear deal takes effect: Julian Hattem
Paul Ryan's Open Borders Push With Luis Gutierrez Exposed in 2013 Video: Julia Hahn

Hillary’s gun confiscation proposal is going to backfire in a big way: Jazz Shaw
Gun Confiscation Fantasies Fast-Tracking Democrat Party To Destruction: Bob Owens
Anderson Cooper: I Knew Sanders Would Squelch Email Question Ahead of Time: Ace

GOP vet: Trump win looking more and more likely: Byron York
Tensions Between Rubio And Bush Campaigns Rising: WZ
The plot against Donald Trump: Michael Walsh

What the Fundraising Numbers Tell Us: Rush Limbaugh
Jeb Bush slashes campaign salaries: Marc Caputo
Report: Six Presidential Campaigns Face Tipping Point – Drop Out, or Continue: Treehouse


The Chamber of Commerce: Bad for Republicans and America: John Hawkins
Deadbeat Illinois: The power's on, but late payments still a problem for state: Doug Finke
‘Failed socialism once again’: How will the pro-Obamacare spinmeisters explain this one?: Twitchy

Scandal Central

New Obama czar will hunt ‘right-wing’ extremists: Leo Hohmann
Violence. Denial. Deceit. NPR and other fairy tales about black victimization exposed.: Colin Flaherty
Judge: NYC Seizing Thousands Of Cars Without Warrants Is Unconstitutional: Nick Sibilla

Climate & Energy

The Urban Religion of Recycling: Dr. Michael Hurd
Climate Change's Great Legacy: International Wealth Redistribution: E. Calvin Beisner
Typhoon Koppu hits Philippines; ‘worst scenario’ set to unfold: Asia Times


In USA Today Headline, Palestinian Stabbers Are the Victims: CAMERA
The blogger who brought down Chicago Public Schools chief: Thomas Lifson
Liberal Logic on Steroids: Want to Own a Gun? Go Shoot Yourself First!: Lisa Carr

The Donald, Hillary, and the 'Extremely Dishonest' Press: Jeffrey Lord
The Republican Obama?: John McCormack
Bizarre new Captain America to battle right wing anti-immigrant militia: Rick Moran


"How to Stab a Jew": Ace
‘It Makes Me Very Sad’ Says Open Borders Activist Brutally Stabbed by Migrant Gang: Oliver Lane
Germany: No more refugees.....'We're Under Water'.: MFS

Columnist Krauthammer: Obama's remarks on Israel are 'shameful': Hayom
Is Obama’s Team Targeting Canada’s Conservative Party?: LI
Tarek Fatah: The Niqab is an Islamofascist Symbol From Saudi Arabia: Clarion

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Sound of Settled Science: SDA
NYC Taxi Commission Approves Pilot Using GPS, Tablets To Calculate Fares: Ashlee Kieler
First Drive: Cadillac CTS-V: BBC TopGear


Thomas Jefferson's Hidden Chemistry Lab Discovered: Gillian Mohney
A Concept Yacht Fit for a Bond Villain: Viju Mathew, Robb Report
4 Civil War soldiers receive proper burial in Colorado cemetery: Fox

Image: The Paranoid, Supremacist Roots of the Stabbing Intifada
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #SaveTheConstitution: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "The real appeal of the New Deal wasn’t its alleged success, it’s that the New Deal is synonymous with a time when progressives had nearly unfettered political power to do what they wanted. Liberals don’t really worship the New Deal, they worship themselves. The New Deal is just a talisman in their undying faith in their own ability to guide society and make decisions for others better than people can make for themselves.

And, at a fundamental level, the desire for an unending string of New Deals going on forever, is indistinguishable from socialism. Liberals used to be honest about this point, as when Arthur Schlesinger let slip in the pages of Partisan Review that “There seems no inherent obstacle to the gradual advance of socialism in the United States through a series of New Deals.”" --Jonah Goldberg


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I see we're back to morning Lynx. Hopefully this means you are back safe and sound.


  2. Thanks for the note. Not quite, but back on CONUS awaiting a flight back...

    Best, Doug
