Tuesday, November 10, 2015

INDICTMENT: 17 of Hillary Clinton’s Worst Email Lies

Word came late yesterday that the FBI has expanded its probe of Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified files.

A former assistant director of the FBI, Tom Fuentes, notes that "it’s [likely] more than a preliminary inquiry; it sounds like a full-blown investigation ...When you have this amount of resources going into it ... I think it’s at the investigative level.”

Commenting at Yahoo News, commenter David proffers a fairly comprehensive list of Clinton's email lies, any one of which would have landed you or I a full-time gig at Leavenworth breaking rocks.

Candidate Clinton lies so very often as to make it seem policy. This is unacceptable to many independents, like myself, who will never vote for her. We all deserve a better President than this.

1) She lied about when she started using the server.

2) She lied about why she needed the server (several times).

3) She lied about there being no classified information on the server.

4) She lied about why and when the State Department asked to turn over the server.

5) She lied about deleting no work related e-mails and deleted them while under subpoena. Blumenthal emails pertaining to Libya and other classified info from Blumenthal were deleted and not included in her work emails that were turned over.

6) She lied about turning over all her work related emails (under penalty of perjury, doing this while deleting work e-mails under subpoena is Felonious Obstruction of Justice)

7) She lied (to Congress, under oath) about turning over all the Benghazi related e-mails. There is still a 5-month gap in her missing e-mails that conveniently includes the time period before and after the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi.

8) She lied about the server having been wiped -- and deleted e-mails while under subpoena.

9) She lied about Canadian Law restricting her from turning over the names of the foreign contributors who turned over hundreds of millions of dollars to their Foundation.

10) She lied about not having any hand in the sorting of the e-mails. In August she said, "So we went through a painstaking process and turned over 55,000 pages of anything we thought could be work-related. Under the law, that decision is made by the official. I was the official. I made those decisions, and as I just said, over 1,200 of the emails have already been deemed not work-related.” She said this personally in response to a question by Ed Henry.

11) She lied about how "secure" the server was. We now know that it had numerous vulnerabilities that included ones that even amateur hackers could have breezed right through.

12) Clinton, speaking on communications between US personnel in Libya and the State Department in Washington, said “there was a good back and forth about security” at the Benghazi compound before the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. The facts say otherwise. The independent review Clinton convened after the attacks deeply faulted State Department officials in Washington for poor communication and cooperation as diplomats in Libya pressed for more security and Benghazi grew more dangerous.

The accountability board appointed by Clinton said the security in Benghazi was “grossly inadequate to deal with the attack.” A bipartisan Senate committee report called keeping the Benghazi mission open under those circumstances “a grievous mistake.”

The fewer than half-dozen armed diplomatic security personnel at the compound “were not well served by their leadership in Washington,” the board said.

Clinton furthermore asserted that personnel in Benghazi were granted many of their requests for security equipment upgrades.

The review board, however, said “Washington showed a tendency to overemphasize the positive impact of physical security upgrades” to a “profoundly weak” system.

At the same time, Washington officials were “generally failing to meet Benghazi’s repeated requests” to augment security personnel.

13) Clinton said “there was a lot of conflicting information” about who was behind the attacks, in an effort to defend early attempts to link the violence to YouTube videos and other factors.

The facts say otherwise. Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan produced an email Clinton sent to her daughter, Chelsea, the night of the attack where Clinton said it had been committed by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists.

And in a conversation with the Egyptian prime minister the next day, Clinton said she knew the online videos had nothing to do with the violence, and that it was a planned attack.

“State Department experts knew the truth, you knew the truth, but that’s not what the American people got,” Jordan said.

14) Asked about the dozens of emails she received from longtime political confidant Sidney Blumenthal, many with reports about developments in Libya, Clinton said his advice was “unsolicited.”

The facts say otherwise. Clinton was mischaracterizing some of those exchanges with Blumenthal.

Benghazi Committee Chair Trey Gowdy asked what she meant by saying his advice was unsolicited.

“I did not ask him to send me the information that he sent me,” Clinton said.

Noting that Blumenthal had no expertise about Libya, Gowdy read Clinton’s emailed responses to some of his reports: “Thanks and please keep them coming,” ”Anything else to convey?” and “What are you hearing now?”

At that, Clinton revised her description of how their email exchanges unfolded to “originally unsolicited,” saying, “They started out unsolicited, and as I said, some were of interest.”

15) Explaining some of the poor communication around Benghazi, Clinton said, “I did not email during the day and — except on rare occasions when I was able to.”

The facts say otherwise. Clinton’s use of her private email address and server during working hours was anything but “rare.”

Clinton sent about one-third of her emails during working hours — on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. — according to an AP analysis of 2,754 emails she wrote from April 2009 through September 2010, based on time stamps on the messages.

16) She claimed that the State Department "had between 90 and 95 percent of all [her] work-related emails" even before she turned over 54,000 pages of records last December.

"I'm not aware that we have given that figure," State spokesman Mark Toner told reporters on Friday.

"We've not been able to confirm that."

17) When Republicans tried to buttonhole Clinton because State declined numerous requests for additional security at the Benghazi compound that was later over-run, Clinton largely waved them off.

Those requests for more protection, she argued several times that day, went to people who deal with security — not her, personally.

One email from April 23, 2009, however, shows top State aide Huma Abedin updating Clinton on a few embassy security issues. In a series of bullet points sent to “H2” at 8:34 a.m., Abedin listed steps State was taking to secure Afghanistan and Pakistan embassies, including “increasing the number of hooches, and doubling up staff in lodging.”

“[W]e need to improve the security perimeter — acquiring property adjacent to our current facilities in Kabul, which is now difficult to secure,” one bullet reads. “Long-term, we need embassies in these countries adequate to serve the mission. It’s not so long ago our Embassy in Islamabad was torched; we need a facility which is structurally sound. In Kabul, we need facilities adequate to size the mission needed.”

Hat tip: BadBlue News.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Are Obama/Jarrett sending some kind of message?
