Saturday, November 14, 2015

KERRY: Hey, that UN Global Warming Treaty we signed is legally binding and the Senate gets no say in the matter.

By John Binder

Now, apparently, there’s a United Nations global warming initiative that Congress won’t even get the chance to vote on.

Secretary of State John Kerry walked back remarks that a future United Nations global warming treaty would not be legally binding. Now Kerry says a climate treaty would, in fact, be legally binding and not require Senate approval.

Our position has not changed: the U.S. is pressing for an agreement that contains provisions both legally binding and non-legally binding,” the State Department told Politico regarding Kerry’s Thursday remarks.

Kerry told The Financial Times Thursday that a U.N. treaty to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions is “definitively not going to be a treaty.” At the same time, European officials were arguing the treaty would be legally binding — contradicting Kerry.

“The FT interview with Secretary Kerry may have been read to suggest that the U.S. supports a completely non-binding approach,” the State Department spokesperson said. “That is not the case and that is not Secretary Kerry’s position.”

Nothing to see here. Just more of the ‘we’ll do whatever we please’ from the Obama administration.

Via Right Wing News.


  1. Glenn Reynolds has pointed out, if the Constitution is not effective, then by what authority does the federal government tell anyone what to do?

    Federal officials can use guns and federally organized forces, but these become instruments of tyranny, enforcing whatever the emperor wants. The Congress and Senate become rituals to hide somewhat the true nature of the government.

    I wonder if the populace of Rome was disarmed at the time that Rome went from a republic to a tyrany? That would explain some of how that was accomplished.

    I think the modern example is Russia and the prior Soviet Union. Without an effective Consititution, we can expect a society as wealthy and pleasant as those examples.

  2. Kerry could claim the treaty was a duck, and that would not make it a duck, much like the old Lincoln story.

    If you call a dog's tail a leg, how many legs does it have?

    Answer: Four, because just calling it a tail doesn't make it a tail.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    It's impossible to take anyone like this asshole seriously-especially after he disfigured his face with that surgery. He's definitely mental. But then again, so are all REgressives

  4. Anonymous6:55 AM

    I was born in the United States of America, not the United Nations.
    Kerry and his worthless friends at the UN can FOAD.

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM

    "Glenn Reynolds has pointed out, if the Constitution is not effective, then by what authority does the federal government tell anyone what to do?
    Federal officials can use guns and federally organized forces, but these become instruments of tyranny, enforcing whatever the emperor wants. The Congress and Senate become rituals to hide somewhat the true nature of the government."

    If they can get you to follow obvious lies then they do not need to take your guns.

  6. All those years that gigolo posed as a Senator and he never learned that the Senate has to ratify any such treaty for it to be binding? And the Senate repeatedly voted down this Obama excrescence. Hell I bet if we looked we'd find Kerry himself voted against it the first time.
