Friday, November 13, 2015

Larwyn's Linx: No, There’s No Terrorists Among the ‘Migrants’

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No, There’s No Terrorists Among the ‘Migrants’: WeaponsMan
A Generation that Hates Free Speech: Noah Rothman
The Gulag: The Coming Fear Under A Life Of Lies: The Camp of the Saints

My Office Door: Thom Lambert
We Are Witnessing A New Fascism Given Voice in Real Time: Ace
The Million Student March Movement: the New Khmer Rouge: TAB

Snowflakes or Fascists?: Mona Charen
CAP kerfuffle reveals Palestinians advised Ferguson protesters: Thomas Lifson
Big Mess on Campus: Steve Sailer

Trump: 'I Would Bomb The Sh** Out Of' ISIS: Caleb Howe
Sen. Marco Rubio - Grade Scoresheet: NUSA
Time for GOP panic? Establishment worried Carson or Trump might win: WaPo


The Myth of H-1B Job Creation: Michelle Malkin
Levin calls for an end to lawless student protests: CR
Of Course We Should Let the Big Banks Fail: Scott Rasmussen

Scandal Central

Racism, Power and Control: Politically Short
What lies are the FBI going to unearth in the Hillary Clinton server scandal?: Moe Lane
Report: FBI Investigating Whether ‘Materially False’ Statements Given In Hillary Email Probe: Chuck Ross

Climate & Energy

Clinton tries to appease Democrats' hated coal states with $30 billion charade: Ariel Cohen
Climate Update: Ocean Death Exaggerated?: Steven Hayward
One of the longest running climate prediction frauds disappears from web: Anthony Watts


Sister Souljah: Hillary reminds me of ‘the slave plantation’: Mark Hensch
The 7 big things on President Obama’s to-do list, with one year to go: Amber Phillips
Sister Souljah: Hillary Clinton and Midnight: Daniel D'Addario, Time

Poll: 68 Percent Call Hillary Clinton Email Server ‘Illegal’ Or ‘Unethical’: Breitbart
DC Media Buries 7 New Scandals During Hillary Clinton's Best! Week! Ever!: John Nolte
DOJ Loses Infamous Mob Trial – Vincent Asaro Found Not Guilty: Treehouse

Why Does Chris Matthews Think Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz Are Not Hispanic?: RS
Breaking Through MSM “Gaslighting”: CBS Poll of Democrats Show They Fear Trump Most: Treehouse
The List: SDA


Letter from Germany: Europe is in chaos: Fellowship of the Minds
Inside Chemchemal — a gun-filled, ISIS-hating Kurdish Iraqi town: Insider
Cracks In The Caliphate: Western Members Complain About Life In ISIS: MEMRI

Obama Has a Strategy in the Middle East, and It’s Working: Aaron MacLean
Wonders of socialized medicine: doctors threaten first 'all-out' strike in history: Telegraph
Even Small, Well-Run Countries Can’t Escape The Currency War: John Rubino

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Frank & Oak tops Deloitte’s 2015 Technology Fast 50: PE Hub
Ultrathin coating can defeat ultrahigh frequency microwave radar for more stealthy jets: NBF
How Disruptive Startups Are Changing Enterprises: Dennis McCafferty


June 18th 1947: The Plane: The Oatmeal
“We fight for the users!”: MOTUS
Missouri Unveils Incredibly-Awkwardly Timed All-White Uniforms: Lost Lettermen

Image: Wonders of socialized medicine: doctors threaten first 'all-out' strike in history
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #RestoreOurConstitution: TED CRUZ FOR PRESIDENT

QOTD: "At the Republican Presidential debate earlier this week, Texas Senator Ted Cruz did something unusual for a politician — he gave a straightforward answer to a question. Yes, Cruz made clear, if the Bank of America was on the brink, he would let it fail.

That answer made perfect sense to millions of Americans who are tired of politicians doing special favors for their well-connected friends on Wall Street. But doing such favors is what Washington politics is all about.

That reality was highlighted by Neil Barofsky, who served as the Special Inspector General for the TARP bailouts. His book “Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street.” The title says it all. A lifelong Democrat, appointed by President Bush, Barofsky was stunned that the change from the Bush Administration to the Obama Administration made no difference. No matter which party controlled the White House, the Treasury Department saw its goal as insuring the financial success of the big banks." --Scott Rasmussen


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    President Ted Cruz will get this corrupt, crony mess D.C. has become whipped back into shape and put working middle class Americans and AMERICA and our Constitution FIRST. That's why the Beltway Burglars aka The Washington Cartel, Wall Street and Tom Donohue of the US Chamber of Commerce, the GOPe and lobbyists for big corporations hate Cruz - his presidency will END their cozy little corrupt, greedy lives.


  2. Thank you very much, Doug.
