Sunday, December 13, 2015

Larwyn’s Linx: Suppose there was an ideology.

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Suppose there was an ideology.: J. Fine
The right to bear arms isn’t up for debate: Charles C.W. Cooke
A Rash Leader in a Grave Time: Peggy Noonan

Photo of the day – from the U.S. border: Creeping
Post-Obama, Cruz is the best candidate to repair our damaged Constitution: Bookworm
Cruz Firmly on Top in Iowa: Des Moines Register Poll: Patterico

Former aides: At State, Hillary mainly promoted Clinton ‘charities’: Deroy Murdock
Ex-FBI Counterterror Expert: ‘Vast Majority’ of US Mosques are ‘Jihadi Network': Tony Lee
Obama’s Crazy Policies – Its All Heredity: Brent Smith

The Ugly Truth Donald Trump Has Exposed: Karl Denninger
Trump Has A Point–Why NOT Ban Muslim Immigration?: John Derbyshire
Trump Right Again: U.S. Admits Massive Vetting Flaw in Visas for Terrorist: Treehouse


Paris Climate Deal Calls for America to Transfer Wealth to 'Developing' Countries: CNS
Debunking “The Big Short”: How Michael Lewis Turned Villains into Heroes: Yves Smith
Is Your Fantasy Football Squad Illegal?: Jim Pagels

Scandal Central

DHS Whistleblower: State Dept. Killed Inquiry Into Mosque Group Syed Farouk Belonged To: Ace
Of Course Not: State Department Can't Find Emails of Hillary Clinton's IT Director: John Sexton
DHS Rarely Deports for Terrorism: 1,000th of 1 % of Cases: JW

Climate & Energy

What Happens Now That Politicians Have Signed “Historic” Climate Pact?: William Teach
Global Warning: Paris Climate Change Accord is a bureaucratic boondoggle: Leslie Eastman
The perfectly respectable environmental movement has been hijacked by radicals: Conrad Black


NY Times Poll Shows Left’s Gun Control Rhetoric Strengthening Support For Gun Rights: Greg Campbell
The Polls May Be Underestimating Trump’s Support: Henry Olsen, The Atlantic
Pro-Gun Trump Supporter Shows Up At Anti-Trump Rally And Lives To Tell The Tale: Brian Carey

David Brock Says Ted Cruz Is the Main Threat And Lays Out His Attack Plan: RS
Ted Cruz Trouncing Trump In New Iowa Poll! Donald Cries ‘BIAS!’: Sooper
Cruz responds to Cher's attack on Twitter: Daniella Diaz


Revealed: U.S. Warships Dangerously Outgunned by Russia and China: Dave Majumdar
If Kerry is interested in an actual strategy, he can fork out 20 bucks and buy my book: Caroline Glick
"Ins'Allah!": Obama Chanukah Party Attacks Islamophobia, Calls for "Justice" for Palestinians: Daniel Greenfield

Two ISIS terrorists suspected of eleven murders arrested in Finland: Speisa
Erdogan and the Islamic State Oil Trade: Is Turkey Funding Terrorism?: Sam Nunberg
Germany: Facebook Bans Islam-Critics: Gates of Vienna

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Walking City: Universal Everything
Driver Flees Accidents, But Her Smart Car Calls Police: John Keefer
What It's Like to See L.A. Bury 1,300 Unclaimed Bodies in One Service: Brock Wilbur


Cruzin' To Victory?: MOTUS
Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits: Glen Tshirgi (2012)
Man escapes death with just a SCRATCH when huge steel beam impales his car: DailyMail

Image: Walking City
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has surged ahead to become the latest front-runner in the campaign for the Iowa caucuses, dislodging Ben Carson and opening an impressive lead over a stalled Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

The firebrand junior senator from Texas is backed by 31 percent of those likely to attend the Republican caucuses that start the presidential nomination season on Feb. 1. Trump is a distant second at 21 percent, up slightly from 19 percent in October, but below his peak of 23 percent in August...

...Cruz's 21-percentage-point jump since October is the largest surge between Iowa Polls recorded in at least the last five presidential caucus campaigns

When first and second choices are combined, he has the support of 51 percent of likely caucus-goers. The senator’s great leap forward comes largely at the expense of Carson, as Iowa’s evangelicals appear to have picked the candidate they want to get behind." --NewsMax


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    It is not "suppose", but rather, "there is" - and the list is not entirely complete, as open segregation of sexes can be added. What is missing is that the antidotes implied are reactive and not active. Cultural norms usually are the first line of defense and America has them. Some things have no place in our culture: picture ID's of people inside burkas, daily chants from mosques, allowing religious rage to give you a place, and so forth. We can't carry Bibles or materials into Saudi Arabia, and our women there show respect by adhering to some local customs, as Americans do in many places. Why is it wrong that we should want the same respect?

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Cruz is leading nothing - the media knows he would have no chance against Hillary so now that they knocked out Carson they are working on Cruz to leave Rubio as the GOP nominee to split all GOP/IND votes once they reneg on Trump deal.

  3. @anon 228 - whatever you say, chief. cruz is the real deal, a lifelong constitutional conservative. trump's cult of personality, otoh, reminds me of obama's.

    trump's policy positions have been like splats of paint on an abstract painter's canvas.

    do your research.

    unlike you, i support any candidate who is outside of the establishment: cruz, trump or carson.

    the rest can go pound sand.
