Friday, January 01, 2016

Larwyn’s Linx: 2015: The Year The American Establishment Committed Suicide

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2015: The Year The American Establishment Committed Suicide: George Rasley
Terrorists Nabbed at Border as Obama Prepares 34 Million Green Cards: Victory Girls
Top 10 GOP Betrayals of 2015: Daniel Horowitz

NY man arrested for plotting New Year's Eve attack: Kelly Cohen
Clinton in NH: Benghazi families confused, I never blamed attack on video: LidBlog
The Clintons Trashed the White House in '01; Here's the Report: Treehouse

Keeping the Presidential Election in Perspective: Scott Rasmussen
Only Took A Terror Attack For Obama DOJ To Prosecute Straw Purchaser: Bob Owens
Obama set to unveil curbs on gun sellers: Politidoh

Burn it Down -- Burn it All Down: Crayfisher
Cruz: The GOP race will be over by March: Katie Glueck
Why America Is Moving Left: Peter Beinart

The Reason I’m Anti-Anti-Trump: William Voegeli
The Return of the Middle American Radical: John B. Judis
Nevada Poll: Donald Trump 33%, Ted Cruz 20%, Marco Rubio 11%: Treehouse

Crumble: Carson campaign manager, comms director quit over “internal [expletive]”: Hot Air
Everyone Fears Ted Cruz: Brent Smith
Chris Christie’s Path To Victory: Josh Kraushaar


Thanks, "Great Society": Huge surge in single parent homes, 26% now vs. 9% in 1960: Paul Bedard
Meat Processing Plant Fires 150 Muslims Who Would Rather Pray Than Work: Brian Anderson
NJ: Nearly a dozen Muslims charged in ‘elaborate’ $3M credit card scheme: Creeping

Scandal Central

Israel Was Targeted by US Intelligence for Obama Political Purposes: David R. Shedd
The top 12 revolving-door moments of 2015: Timothy P. Carney
Obama Gives Millions to Radical Kansas City Mosque With Terror Ties: MB

Amanda Marcotte: Hillary Approved Using “Crazy Bitches” Defense Against A Child Rape Victim: Patterico
State Dept. releases 5,500 pages of Clinton emails on New Year's Eve: Sarah Westwood
Bill Clinton: A Long History of Alleged Rape and Sexual Assault: MFP (2013)

Climate & Energy

Blizzards and Bulls***: Dairy Carrie
Montreal Record Busting Snow Sours the Mild Winter Climate Narrative: Eric Worrall
Kerry: Non-binding, Voluntary Climate Agreement Obama's Most Important 2015 Accomplishment: William Teach


Why Hillary Clinton Keeps Stumping With Lena Dunham: Leslie Loftis
Pencil-Neck Geek at Salon Resurrects and Updates His “Hate Crime” Piece: iOTWreport
No, Tamir Rice Was Not “Open Carrying,” You Race-Baiting Liars.: Bob Owens

Dear Texas: please stop honoring Virginia drivers licenses: Shot in the Dark
This Is Your Brain On Koolaid: Crayfisher
NYT’s Roger Cohen: America as Dumping Ground for the Middle East: Steve Sailer

NPR Apparatchik’s Husband Gets a Lesson in Multiculturalism: MB
Hillary Clinton gets her news about Jews from radical anti-religious website Failed Messiah: Matzav
How close are Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton?: Andrea Drusch


Pakistani Man Gets 40 Years in al-Qaida Plot to Bomb New York City Subway System: NBC NY
Clinton’s Real Legacy: Eduardo Llull, Human Events (2004)
Database: Identifiers of Designated Islamic Terrorist Organizations: MEforum

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Truth About SpyWar and How 21st Century Espionage Really Works: John R. Schindler
The Warship to End All Battles: Adam Piore
Nanoparticle-enhanced metals could radically change cars: Engadget


Tell Me Something I Didn't Know: Poll Says Obama is America's Worst President: Daniel Greenfield
It’s 2016: Let’s Make America Great Again.: MOTUS
Book Review: Hard-boiled by Doug Ross: MagNote

Image: Inferno at 63-story luxury hotel in Dubai near New Year’s Eve fireworks display
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "In 2011, [The New York Times' featured Syrian refugee] Kamal was arrested and imprisoned by the Syrian military for protesting against the government. Over the next 14 months, he says, he was tortured with electric shocks and beatings -- and the removal of his kidney "as a punishment."

...He says he didn't want to relocate to another part of Syria because the Syrians there would "slaughter" him and his family because he drinks alcohol and his wife doesn't always wear a hijab.

...But he's baffled that Texans are not yelping with joy at the prospect of bringing another 100,000 Syrians here. Why would any country not jump at the chance to admit masses of people who administer electric shocks and remove organs as punishment for protesting the government? We must be crazy!

...If anyone hates Syrians, it's Kamal. He left his home to get 7,000 miles away from Syrians -- whom he now wants to bring to the U.S.

...By contrast, these are the horrors Kamal has suffered at the hands of Texans, which he shared with the Times: The Texas agriculture commissioner posted pictures of refugees and rattlesnakes on Facebook with the caption: "Can you tell me which of these rattlers won't bite you?"

...Well, can you? Kamal can't. He voted with his feet by getting the hell out of his entire country, which -- again -- he now wants to import to Texas..." --Ann Coulter

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    It now appears that someone has managed to secure a indictment on Bill Cosby for some of his sexual assaults. I am so looking forward to the same on the "Squirter in Chief", a.k.a. Bubba.

    I'm sure that despicable, media whore and all around bitch Gloria Allred will be leading the charge on it. I'm sure. . . .

