Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Larwyn’s Linx: Jocks & Nerds

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Jocks & Nerds: The Z Man
Ted Cruz Cheats at Golf?: Patterico
8 Theories in Search of an Establishment: KausFiles

Hillary's Last Hurrah: Jed Babbin
Judge to rule if Clinton can delay email dump until after IA and NH: Sarah Westwood
Hillary Desperation Campaign Enters Final Meltdown: Bernie's A Racist: Ben Shapiro

No Amnesty for Marco: KausFiles
Rick Perry Endorses Ted Cruz: Scoop
The Real Ted Cruz: Theodore A. Gebhard

Conservative groups battle over Article V Convention: Ashley Balcerzak
A Conservative Civil War Solves Nothing: Rachel Lu
Iowa caucuses a week away, and both parties spilling blood: John Kass

Yes, They are Coming For Your Guns: Mark Tapson
Over 12.8 million concealed handgun permits, 2015 record jump: CrimeResearch
Essay Writing As A Requirement For Concealed Carry: Herschel Smith


Conservative Artist Crashes Bernie Sanders Art Exhibit: GWP
Community Organizing: Abandoned homes in Chicago's most violent neighborhood: Marathon
The Demand For Villains: Thomas Sowell

Scandal Central

Why the Justice Department Won’t Work with the FBI on Clinton’s E-mail Case: Andrew C. McCarthy
The $15 Million Question: KausFiles
FBI probing how classified info got onto Hillary’s secret server: Ed Morrissey

Climate & Energy

GOP Senators Push Attorney General to Investigate EPA Over WOTUS: Philip Wegmann


“To Die For” : A Study on the Disturbing Culture of Death in the Fashion World: Vigilant Citizen
Weiner review: an unsparing portrait of politics and a gift that keeps giving: Guardian
Guardian to cut £54m of costs and introduce paid-for content: Henry Mance

Why This Former Trump Fan Doesn’t Support Him Anymore: John Hawkins
Americans Tired of Elites Considering Them Stupid and Vicious: Michael Barone
Trump Doesn’t Have to be Conservative, Humble or Polite to Fix America: Tom White

NPR Erases Israel From Map Of Middle East: Tammy Bruce
Conservatism Isn't Dead: Sultan Knish
Interim Missouri chancellor rebuffs calls to fire professor: Jim Suhr

Steve Deace: Don’t believe the Iowa polls that have Trump up by double digits: Scoop
The Gun Is Civilization: ConRead
The Clinton E-Mail Scandal And How It Will End: Joshua


F-22s Arrive in Japan in Response to North Korea: David Cenciotti, Aviationist
Revealed: How one in five inmates in maximum security prisons is Muslim: DailyMail
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Mark Steyn

Video Release: Paris Terrorists Shown Training With ISIS in Syria: LI
Islam Rising in France: Stuart Schneiderman
Billions stolen from Nigeria’s public coffers in seven years: New Europe

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Zika virus: Outbreak 'likely to spread across Americas' says WHO: James Gallagher
DoD Weapons Tester Concerned about F-35 Software Development: Lara Seligman
Shatter, a super-high-potency marijuana, is appearing on the East Coast: Tom Jackman

Cybercom: OPM Hack Highlights China Big Data Spying: Bill Gertz
Why Some People Drop Dead While Shoveling Snow: Brady Dennis
Patent Trolls Laughed All the Way to the Bank Last Year: Mytheos Holt


Why Was Martha Mitchell Kidnapped?: Mae Brussell, The Realist, August 1972
On This Day: Shays’ rebellion was thwarted: NCC
Snowzilla: That’s Mighty White of You: MOTUS

Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: TIME TO FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTION: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "The lawsuits [facing Disney and filed] by Mr. Perrero and Ms. Moore are based on the rules for H-1B visas, which Congress designed to bring foreign workers with special skills
into the country. Employers are required to declare to the Department of
Labor that hiring foreigners on the visas "will not adversely affect the
working conditions of U.S. workers similarly employed."

"Was I negatively affected?" Ms. Moore asked. "Yeah, I was. I lost my job."" --Julia Preston

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I would like to find the synopsis of Jimmy Carter's tax rates to compare with Bernie's. One circulated some time ago, and included the 16% interest rate.
    And, did Hillary use some kind of cigar or sex prop while she was on the phone as SOS, or get a Humatoma at any time? Her work on health care caused us to field these kind of questions from our Doctors, so it is fair game for her, eh?
