Thursday, January 14, 2016

Larwyn’s Linx: Ted Cruz Takes Back the Lead in Iowa

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Ted Cruz Takes Back the Lead in Iowa: Erick Erickson
The Stupid Party Gets Stupider: Mark Steyn
In Your Heart, You Know He's Right: Trump and Muslim Immigration: Roger L. Simon

Has Mark Levin Declared War on Donald Trump?: Ed Straker
Trump's Questionable Political History: CR
Obama’s failings among the reasons for Trump’s rise: Victor Davis Hanson

Nikki Haley: GOP Leaders Said to Target Trump, Cruz In SOTU Response: John Nolte
Trump thought Cruz was a natural-born citizen until he passed him in the polls: AT
Ted Cruz begins to sharpen his response to Donald Trump: CBS News

Trump, the non-establishment GOP candidate, is leading in Vermont: ConservativeRead
Trump’s Trump Card: Blue-State Republicans: Josh Kraushaar
Republicans warn Bush team against harming Rubio: Eli Stokols

Obama’s Legacy: A Shellacked Democratic Party: Amanda Carpenter
“This was less a state of the union than it was a state of denial”: LI
Donald Trump: Scarier to the ‘Establishment’ Than Bernie Sanders: Larry Elder


Feds Won’t Permit Asking Welfare Moochers About Immigration Status: MB
580 students speak 42 languages at Buffalo, NY high school: Victor Skinner
The REAL State Of Obama's Union In 5 Charts: Hannity

Scandal Central

Busted: GOP State of Union Response Carried Amnesty Pledge in Spanish Version: Treehouse
Obama’s Chief of Staff Promises ‘Audacious Executive Action’ in Final Year: Brendan Bordelon
Hillary Clinton's Coming Legal Crisis: Charles Lipson

Climate & Energy

The abject failure of official global-warming predictions: WUWT
Obama gets faced trying to lecture SUV driver at Detroit Auto Show: CainTV


Obama’s final SOTU oddly silent on … guns?: Ed Morrissey
Obama’s Ethnic Divide-and-Conquer Strategy: Mike Gonzalez
Haley's response shows what's wrong with GOP: Bryan Fischer

Bummer: Al Jazeera America shutting down: Hot Air
‘Two Mohameds Shoot Up A Calgary Bar’, Here’s How The Media Deals With It: WZ
Phil Robertson’s New Ad for Ted Cruz Is Unbelievable: Erick Erickson


Obama’s Persian Debacle: Saber Rattling in the Gulf: John R. Schindler
What a Real President Did When Iran Assaulted a Navy Ship: Brian Sikma
When North Korea Tests a Nuke, Assume It's Iran's as Well: Ryan Mauro

The Saudi Problem: The Z Man
Explosions, Gunfire Rock Indonesia Capital: 4 Dead (1 Cop); 14 Gunmen, Suicide Bombers Involved: ZH
Sydney Opera House: police operation underway: ConRead

Trump: Germans Are Going To Riot, Overthrow Merkel: RCP
Palestinian child parades in mock suicide belt … in Bethlehem: William A. Jacobson
'ISIS Training Yazidi Children As Suicide Bombers': Clarion

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Why doesn’t my phone understand me yet?: Kurzweil AI
Facebook CTO in NYC shares his thoughts on the future of Artificial Intelligence: John Furrier
Microsoft R Server Is Free for Developers and Students: Pedro Hernandez


SOTU: It’s all good.: MOTUS
The winning 1.6 billion dollar Powerball jackpot numbers have been released: John Hawkins
Lawrence Phillips Is Dead in Suspected Suicide in Prison: Victor Mather

Image: Jakarta Terror Attack: Source Tells IS-Affiliated Agency IS Responsible
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "Yes, Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen. And even Donald Trump thought so, at least before Ted Cruz slipped past him to top the Iowa polls. As recently as last August Trump was saying all the legal people he talked to vouched for Ted Cruz’s eligibility to be president." --Daniel John Sobieski


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'll tell ya Doug, EE is a slimy POS and linking all of his BS lately ain't going down too well. You do know that showing ANY difference of opinion to this POS gets you instantly banned at his website.

    He also showed his true colors when he uninvited Trump to his gathering last year. The very same gathering where he walked around for 2 days with nose glues to Jeb's asscrack.

  2. RE: DemocratIC Party, Ms. Carpenter should know better, it's the DEMOCRAT Party, it is in no way shape or form a democratic party.

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    EE has always been a slim ball, POS this isn't something new. Besides that he's a misogynists. Red State isn't going to miss him for sure.


  4. Straw Poll - who won the Republican Presidential Debate?
