Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Larwyn’s Linx: Trump Pulls Out of Megyn Kelly Debate

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Donald Trump: I’m Skipping Thursday Night’s Debate: Patterico
It's 12 O'Clock High for the Traditional Conservative Establishment: Captain Capitalism
Trump 2012: These GOP Candidates Are Cowards for Skipping The Debate!: Patterico

After years of false alarms, the ‘conservative crackup’ has arrived: Jonah Goldberg
Trump's Debate Withdrawal Strategy Clever, But Could Backfire Big Time: Ben Shapiro
Cruz Wins Iowa Caucus Poll By Large Margin: Scoop

Oregon militia spox killed; traffic stop escalates into FBI shootout: DailyMail
FBI Thwarts Mass Terror Attack at Milwaukee Masonic Temple: John Diedrich
Obama liking Hillary these days: LI

Report: DHS Incapable of Accurately Reporting Visa Overstays: Adam Kredo
Missing in America: Millions of Non-Immigrant Aliens: Michael Cutler
Senatorial Whores Who Hate Ted Cruz Use His Image To Fundraise: Erick Erickson

The Meaning of Trump: Sean Trende
A Pre-Iowa State of the GOP Race Report: John Hawkins
GOP senator who raised Trump's marital infidelities to campaign with Cruz, Rubio: CNN


Debt Up $70,612.91 Per Household in Obama’s First 7 Years: CNS
It's Probably Nothing: SDA
Why Does Bill DeBlasio Hate Poor People?: DailyMail

In 2024 retirees will cost Illinois more than teachers in the classroom: Marathon
State Programs to Solve the U.S.'s Retirement Crisis: Robert Pozen
Gov. Chris Christie Calls for State Takeover of Atlantic City: Wayne Parry

Scandal Central

FBI going 'right to the source' in Clinton email probe, interviewing intel agencies: Fox
How Hillary Got Classified Information Onto Her Private Email: Kurt Schlichter
Gowdy: ‘Eye-Opening’ And ‘Surprising’ Results To Come Soon From Benghazi Investigation: Steve Guest

Hillary made millions off secret Wall Street speeches (and press was routinely banned): Unyielding
Clinton's paid speech problem goes beyond Goldman Sachs: Sarah Westwood
Some Serious Pushback Against Obama's Imperial Presidency: George Leef

Climate & Energy

Y2Kyoto: It's Been Nice Knowing You: SDA
States ask Supreme Court to stay Obama climate rules: John Siciliano


A Tale of Two Tapes: Teen Cruz and Terror-Coddler Obama: Michelle Malkin
RNC’s Promised Conservative Debate Goes Missing: Jeffrey Lord
Donald Trump Defends Putin Again: Alex Pfeiffer

Ted Cruz Campaign Releases New Iowa Ad Bashing Donald Trump: Michael Van Der Galien
Ted Cruz: ‘We can shock the political world’: Jennifer Harper
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Are Nearly Side by Side in Iowa, Poll Shows: Alan Rappeport

Video of former State Department official seems to admit to Clinton email scandal: Jazz Shaw
Hillary Clinton email delay 'grave' harm to voters, Vice News says: Laura Koran
Bill Clinton's secret lover calls Hillary evil and heartless in open letter : Exam


Trump Doesn’t Have a Clue about America’s Enemies: Andrew C. McCarthy
Preparing for the Next Big War: War on the Rocks
ISIS Printing Fake U.S. Passports: Pistachio

Levinson Family Blasts White House After Details of 2011 Iran Talks Emerge: Gretawire
Britain will now give Muslim men with multiple wives extra monthly welfare payments: BNI
European Union is committing 'ritual suicide with its migration policy': DailyMail

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

CDC Dropping the Ball on Zika: Betsy McCaughey
Volvo Plans “Death Proof” Cars By 2020: Steve Hanley
Scientists Create 'De-icing’ Concrete that can Melt Snow from Roads: i4u


Cam Newton is crushing the NFL the same way he crushed the SEC: Bruce Feldman
Bad Water and Wedgies: MOTUS
California Residences Threatened as Cliffs Crumble: ABC News

Image: Why Does Bill DeBlasio Hate Poor People?
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: #ConstitutionMan: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "The FBI investigation is centered around Clinton and members of her staff to determine if they deliberatively trafficked and shared information from highly classified sources onto an unsecure private email system.

"The bureau does not waive its primacy in espionage cases," the intelligence source said, referring to USC 18 793 and 794. "The security investigation is now part and parcel with the criminal [public corruption] investigation." The source said both tracks are being pursued "vigorously" and there is a sense of "incredulity as to what is being discovered."" --Catherine Herridge


  1. Anonymous11:21 AM

    The White Man's burden: "My hands are up, I'm on the ground - Don't Shoot!"
    Is it ironic, or prescient that the first person killed in the Oregon disagreement was Catholic, a Christian, a humanitarian?

  2. "Trump Pulls Out of Megyn Kelly Debate." I had to read that twice.

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM

    With M E Gyn, it should read "fall out".

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    "Trump Pulls Out of Megyn Kelly Debate"


    “It’s Roger Ailes. It’s Fox News. They think they can toy with Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump doesn’t play games. You guys know that. He’s been to six debates. He’s stood on the stage with Megyn Kelly. He answered every question from every debate moderator who’s posed a question to him. He’s won every debate,” Lewandowski said. “This isn’t about Megyn Kelly at all."

    Cruz supporters hoping against hope? Trying to find anything, anything at all to gain a foothold, however narrow, however oblique the angle.

    It isn't working, and it's beginning to look rather pathetic.
