Thursday, February 04, 2016

HIJRAH: Why Is Small Town America Being Flooded With Islamic "Refugees"?

By Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Looks like my old stomping grounds in Montana are heating up. People there are not taking Obama’s plan to force refugees on them lying down. There was a protest in Missoula, Montana at 10 a.m. this morning over that very issue. It is just one of many battles brewing out there in small town America.

Small towns in the sparsely populated parts of America are the perfect place to relocate these refugees. Especially if your agenda includes politically terraforming the country. The West is historically conservative in their politics. Many are Republicans and Libertarians. Even the Democrats hearken back to an earlier time when they were more conservative in nature. Obama and the Democrats can’t have that. They need to have an entire country willing to submit to Marxist diktats. They need areas seeded with those who will vote Democrat and ensure that they stay in power no matter what.

And it’s not just voting demographics that are pushing this move either. I personally believe that there is a warped logic to all of this. That if Islam can be made the predominant religion in America, people will be more easily controlled. That’s insane of course and won’t work, but there you have it. Instead, Shariah law will be implemented and you will see the same atrocities occurring in Europe happen here. The big difference being, that at least for now, Americans are armed and will use those weapons to protect their neighbors, loved ones and country.

Bringing in the refugees also moves forward the Cloward and Piven strategy to overwhelm the system so it will collapse and cause chaos in the streets. These people want to tear the system apart, so they can replace it with something truly heinous. The Obama administration will never admit that this is the plan, but can you honestly look at what is going on today and tell me it isn’t? Our borders are wide open. We are not vetting anyone to speak of and security here in the US is worse than before 9/11.

Communities in states such as Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Kansas are being infused with Muslim refugees even though they are not wanted by the residents or the local law enforcement. The feds and their leaders are not giving them a choice. Wyoming is the only state currently not participating in the program, but even the governor there wants to jump in it. Living in large cities would be too costly for the refugees and more can be accomplished with seeding them across the plains. In a small town, they can turn everything to their advantage in short order. Since many of our larger cities are already flooded with immigrants from south of the border and from Muslim nations, in many respects they have at least partially fallen to the ploy already. This is the fundamental transformation of America in play. South Carolina, Idaho, Minnesota, North Dakota and Michigan are vigorously fighting against this program and Obama’s ‘change’.

The same entitlements, jobs, lodging and freebies will be given to these refugees in small town America. But that will mean taking more and more away from locals in these same communities. These immigrants bring crime and disease with them. As crime rises, people will leave which will hasten the take over of these towns. At least that is what Obama and his friends hope for. I pray that people dig in and decide to stay and fight if they can.

Which brings me back to Missoula where they had a protest this morning in front of the county courthouse. Refugees are being brought into Helena and Missoula and the people there don’t want them. We’re talking about hundreds of Muslims. Other rallies in Twin Falls, Idaho and Fargo, North Dakota are planned as well. I have friends in Idaho that just won’t stand for this invasion.

It’s the same old story here. NGOs with lots of money and a pro-immigrant agenda are seeking out politicians who can be bought basically, or that can be forced into compliance one way or the other. These individuals, such as Sand Point, Idaho, Mayor Shelby Rognstad, conspire against their constituency until they are forced by the people to back down. The politicians in Missoula seem to have sold out to this movement. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to find out what each of them was offered in exchange for their support in resettling large number of Islamic refugees in their areas.

Witness the great sellout:

Here in “Big Sky Country” local politicians in Missoula, working with pro-immigrant NGOs, are inviting the federal government to begin sending Syrians, comparing them to the Hmong refugees who fled Vietnam’s communists in the late 1970s. They have not been deterred by the fact that 98 percent of Syrian refugees are Sunni Muslims, the vast majority of whom FBI Director James Comey admits are impossible to vet for ties to terrorism.

Despite Comey’s warnings, the Missoula Board of County Commissioners sent a letter on Jan. 13 to the U.S. State Department requesting Syrian refuges. “We look forward to seeing approximately 100 refugees per year resettled in Missoula,” the letter states.

“Missoula is an ideal city for resettling refugees,” the letter continues. “Our community enjoys good schools, incredible natural beauty, and a low unemployment rate, among other factors.”

Not for long if you bring these transplants in. We haven’t learned a damned thing from watching what is going on over in Europe. How do you justify the rapefugees in Germany and Sweden, who treat rape as game for a large number of players at a given event? How can you ignore the violence, the murders, the depravity that is the Ummah? What’s wrong with these people? Do money and power mean so much to them that they don’t care that they are selling America out to a hellish nightmare movement? Imagine your wives, daughters, mothers, neighbors… little children… subjected to these beasts. What would you do?

I lived in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. My daughter still lives up that way. Sandpoint, Idaho is not far from there. The good people there are making a stand against politicians who would bring in these refugees. And they are winning. Just last week they voted to withdraw a resolution supporting refugee resettlement; stopping, at least for now, a bitter war between the residents and the politicians. The people at that meeting were enthusiastically victorious and cheered as newly elected (and probably short-lived) Sandpoint Mayor Shelby Rognstad asked the council to withdraw the resolution from consideration. A measure meant to counter statements from Bonner County commissioners and Sheriff Darryl Wheeler opposing the resettlement of refugees, the resolution was intended to restate Sandpoint’s commitments to human rights, according to Rognstad.

“This resolution has only served to divide us and this community,” said Rognstad, as he requested the withdrawal. “That saddens me.”

I’ll bet it does because his bread was probably buttered with goodies if he played ball. He was roundly lambasted by the audience over his moronic, treacherous statements.

Twin Falls, Idaho has also been fighting the refugee resettlement program tooth and nail. But they are not having nearly as much success as Sandpoint has unfortunately. The Twin Falls Times is now reporting that starting on October 1st, approximately 300 Muslim refugees, mostly from Syria, will arrive there. There are 45,000 people in Twin Falls. I lived there for a while when I was little. It was idyllic. Not for long… that’s just the first wave. There are more on the way from Iraq, Syria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Community leaders were told at a recent Boise State University conference held for “stakeholders” — including church groups and social service providers — that a couple of thousand refugees are planned to a arrive statewide soon.

This is nothing less than an invasion and a displacement of the people who have lived in these areas for generations. It is the redistribution of a religious demographic and this will not end well. Over 90% of the refugees from Syria alone are Sunni Muslims. And in their midst are terrorists, I guarantee it. They will move in and begin converting whole communities to Islam using sweet talk and threats. Many, many more mosques will pop up that are funded by the likes of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The call to prayer will be heard where the buffalo roam and the antelope play. Shariah law will worm its tentacles into each community. I’m not being dramatic. I’m telling you this will happen if this keeps up.

This is how countries fall and slaves are made. This is the Caliphate moving into our midst and those who support ISIS will set up house in these small towns. What do you think will happen? And it won’t take that long either. It didn’t in Germany, France, Norway or Sweden. Why would it be different here?

We are being lied to by the Obama administration and by our leaders. They claim they will bring in 10,000 a year. Don’t make me laugh. You can look for a minimum of 100,000 to 200,000 a year to come in once the floodgates are opened. Obama himself has said this and he means it. All of these refugees will come from Islamic countries and the vast majority will be Muslim. Almost none of them will be Christians.

They do not assimilate… they do not integrate. Instead, they force communities to conform to how they wish to live. People need to check into what is going on and what is about to happen where they live. Your politicians will not willingly tell you. Why is this happening? It’s simply a political agenda. One that wants more power and money for those in control and one that wants to get rid of our pesky constitutional rights and subjugate Americans. Obama acts more like a proxy for the mullahs of Iran these days than President of the United States. We each need to fight this in our communities before it is too late. This is the beginning of the Hijrah migration here in the US and it is the ultimate enemy within.



  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    So why Doug don't you support the ONE candidate that has said repeatedly, "They're going back'????? Instead of the candidate that has died constantly about his immigration positions?

  2. Anonymous10:29 PM

    This is truly frightening. Here is Western Washington, the repugnant leftists are bringing in loads of Musloid invaders under the H1-B visa program in addition to just shoving these people into our towns. Every now and then there are little signs all of the small city of Bellevue inviting unsuspecting dupes with "Want to know more about Islam?" invites. An utterly clueless church in the same town has on its lawn sign, "Muslims Welcome" (notice they're not welcoming Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, or atheists, all of which are widely available in the area).

    I take only one issue with an otherwise instructive article. They should be called "invaders".

  3. Anonymous10:29 PM


    Were you at that candidate's wake? I myself support Trump a man who will deport them all and then invite them all back in. But I did imbibe a great deal at the wake.

  4. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Zardoz - I'm thinking you're talking about Trump. Trump's position is a false one. He's in favor of "touch back", where illegals go out and come right back in.

  5. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Jim Gilmore?
    Go home. You're drunk. :)

  6. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Scares the hell f of me-it has to be stopped-there wil be hostile reactions to these people. The people here need the help-Americans-not muslims got god sake-lets take care of our own people first, O ur mayor needs to be recalled or thrown out of office- does not majority rule any more????

  7. clayusmcret6:28 AM

    "Especially if your agenda includes politically terraforming the country. The West is historically conservative in their politics. Many are Republicans and Libertarians. Even the Democrats hearken back to an earlier time when they were more conservative in nature. Obama and the Democrats can’t have that."

    This is the same reason obama has done what he has to the military. The military was traditionally conservative; where America's most patriotic stalwarts went to serve.

    The time for the average US military person to be a reliable conservative vote is at an end.

  8. Anonymous8:16 AM

    One of the factors here is the decline in Christianity especially within the ranks of people in leadership positions. They are now predominately secular progressives, and their underlying theology is post-modernism. The agenda here is driven far more by their hatred of what is left of the Christian cultural underpinnings of US society.

    Islam, like progressive-ism is a power-oriented world view. What progressives don't realize is how aggressively expansive Islam is.

    Progressives think in terms of a progressive future for humanity. Islam thinks of a Islamic future for humanity. Progressives collude with Islam because Islam finally gives them a response to Christian culture. But when Islam gets strong enough in an area that they no longer need progressive support, Islam will take over. Islam thinks nothing of throwing progressives off of tall buildings and stoning anyone who survives the fall.

    Progressives have set about to literally destroy this country before our very eyes, and with our own money.

    -- theBuckWheat

    A good read on post-modernism:

    Explaining Postmoderninsm
    by Stephen Hicks

  9. This is just STUPID. NO TAX MONIES or social services if they won't swear an oath to the Constitution and explicitly the First Amendment. Of course they'll lie, but liars on their immigration papers can be....moved to the D.C.?

  10. Anonymous7:50 PM

    I imagine this continues to happen is because no one has killed a liberal politician yet. I think 5 or 10 amnesty supporters would wake the mother fuckers up that their lives are now in danger. Maybe a few burned downed domiciles could do the same thing, but essentially violence is what is needed to make the traitors understand that they are the assholes

  11. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Would you wear a T-shirt with a Mohammad cartoon printed on it?

    You might in Montana. Don’t try it in Mecca.


    Because, Islam trains a small number of its most devout believers it’s OK to kill. And Islamic killers have been trained to kill anyone who insults Allah and/or Mohammad.

    In Montana you’d have a good chance none of these Islamic killers would see you.

    In Mecca you wouldn’t last five minutes. One of Islam’s killers would come from out of nowhere and kill you. It is that simple.

    You don’t believe me? Ask any Muslim!

    Read it all at:
