Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Refuting the Lies About Cruz Told by Rubio and His Supporters

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Refuting the Lies About Cruz Told by Rubio and His Supporters: Patterico
White House slashed NYC anti-terror funding to punish Schumer: Dan Friedman
Illegals will be voting in the 2016 election: Flopping Aces

Trump’s brilliant 30 second indictment of an open borders policy: Kevin Collins
LifeZette Exclusive: Sessions Says No to Rubio: Jon Conradi
The Math and the Map: Mark Steyn

Robert B. Reichhhh Produces the Best Campaign Ad Ted Cruz Could Wish For: EIB
Ted Cruz fires communications director after doctored Rubio video: Ace
A Republic If We Can Keep It – A Message To Ted Cruz Supporters: Treehouse

Bernie Sanders: the ghost of socialism past: The Z Man
Why Democrats Should Beware Sanders’ Socialism: Paul Starr, Politico
Constitutional Carry Convincingly Passes in West Virginia Senate: Bob Owens

Rubio's Rocky Road Ahead: Caitlin Huey-Burns
Suggested Cruz Campaign Reboot: Show, Don’t Tell: David Limbaugh
Paranoid Politics: Thomas Sowell


Bernie Sanders, Lifelong Stalinist: MB
Government Illegally Diverts Billions to Obamacare Reinsurance Slush Fund: ATR
Obama is looting the Treasury to pay off insurers: Betsy McCaughey

Scandal Central

Lawsuit: Obama DOJ Goes to Federal Court to Facilitate Non-Citizen Voter Registration: True the Vote
Almost 90,000 dangerous illegal immigrants go free: Paul Bedard
Obama Making Sure Non-Citizens Vote: Daniel Horowitz

Trump Threatens Private Donor For Contributing Against Him. That Should Scare You.: Ben Shapiro
Reporter has Hillary’s Wall Street speech transcripts: Olaf Ekberg
New Document in Criminal Corruption Case against Hillary Clinton in Whitewater Affair: JW


Conservatives are prisoners of Twitter: William A. Jacobson
#FreeStacy: @rsmccain ‘Will Not Be Restored’; @SexTroubleBook Suspended: R.S. McCain
#FreeStacy – Another Conservative Dissident Is Banned And Put In The Twitter Gulag: NoisyRm

Biden in 1992: No hearings for GOP Supreme Court appointment: Joel Gehrke
Mark Levin on The Five: “The hate for Ted Cruz, the love for Marco Rubio is UNMISTAKABLE”: Scoop
Hillary tries preacher routine at gospel awards show: Olaf Ekberg

Actor Adam Baldwin Quits Twitter “For Good” In Protest Of The Platform Censoring Conservatives: Benny Johnson
Twitter Bans Conservative Blogger, “Kill Trump” Account Still Active 6 Months Later: Paul Joseph Watson
Twitters’ War Against Conservatives Widens: BattleSwarm


Obama Releasing Plan to Close Guantanamo: Molly O'Toole
Norwegian government: We will abandon international law if Sweden collapses: SPEISA
Moderate Malaysia: Muslims pressuring children in Catholic schools to convert to Islam: Robert Spencer

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

RIP Twitter: Larry Correia
OPM tech head resigns before having to testify: Rudy Takala
Bill Gates: An energy miracle is coming, and it's going to change the world: Drake Baer


Blue State Nirvana: Photo Gallery of Abandoned Homes in Chicago: Marathon
Game of Thrones: Winter is Trumping: Exam
Pink Floyd Monday: MOTUS

Image: White House slashed NYC anti-terror funding to punish Schumer
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "I welcome Ms. Seymour’s retirement and hope that it will represent an important turning point at an agency plagued with mismanagement and negligence at the highest level. Last year, OPM fell victim to the worst cyber-attack in United States’ history largely due to internal failure within the agency to implement proper cybersecurity measures. Throughout the course of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s investigation into the hack, it came to light that OPM officials ignored an Inspector General’s cybersecurity recommendations, leaving the personal information of millions of federal employees, members of the U.S. military, and intelligence officials vulnerable to a hack.

The OPM attack was a failure at every level and will have security implications for decades to come. I look forward to a new day ahead at OPM and am eager to work to ensure that the necessary measures are taken to prevent a data breach of this magnitude from ever happening again" --Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC)


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    umm there is a pro Trump link in there.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Why is anyone on this blog linking to The Conservative Tree House? They are so deep in the tank for Trump they have taken to banning comments from those who don't support Trump. Post a negative comment about Trump and BAM! you're gone, banished.

    How is the CTH any different from the multitude of left wing sites that ban you if you don't walk lock step with their politics? Simple answer, they're not.

    Don't give The Conservative Tree House traffic. They are not honest brokers.

  3. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Alert! Alert! Somebody screwed up! Pro-Trump links are on the blog! We can't be having the common man think he is worthy of being included in the discussions. Get rid of that stuff before the serfs think they have a valid opinion!
