Tuesday, February 16, 2016

MARK LEVIN: Trump Sounds Like a "Radical Kook", Cuts Military Families to the Core with his "9/11 Truther Crap"

From The Mark Levin Show, 15 February 2016:

I watched that debate Saturday night. It was a disgrace. It was a disgrace. First of all, because that bum who is the chairman of the RNC -- I've been calling for his resignation since whenever -- packed that audience with his fat-cat donors and hangers-on and consultants and all the rest. There were times I couldn't even hear Ted Cruz's answer or Donald Trump's answer because they were being booed. Have you ever heard or seen that before? That's your 'Rinse' Priebus. That's your 'Rinse' Priebus...

The debate. Let me tell you something about this debate. The fact that Donald Trump attacked George W. Bush, not because of his liberal domestic policies, not because he expanded Medicare, not because he was weak on the First Amendment. Not because of those things. Expanded Medicare, increased the debt, was for comprehensive immigration reform.

But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down. Ladies and gentlemen, that's why I posted on my Facebook this guy sounds like Code Pink...

He sounds like a radical kook. All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it. If George Bush went to war in Iraq and was lying about weapons of mass destruction there could not be a worse thing a president of the United States could do, or human being for that matter. And there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And he was not responsible for 9/11...

To have the leading Republican nominee for president of the United States to make these statements, and he's been praised by Code Pink. He should be praised by Code Pink and every kook organization out there and every left-wing kook organization that hates America. To have him praised for what he said? Terrible. Absolutely terrible. You and I've lived through this. You and I have lived through this. This isn't distant history.

For all the talk, 'Well, Ronald Reagan changed his mind.' Ronald Reagan would have never said what Donald Trump said. Never, ever. That's a disgrace. And not only that, Mr. Trump, it's a lie. You like to throw that word around? 'Cruz is a liar, and Carson is...' You're a liar! Bush did not lie about weapons of mass destruction in order to get us into that war. And he is not responsible for 9/11, or those towers coming down. You've crossed the line one too many.

And to those headbangers who want to ignore it, that's up to them. But the rest of heard it. We watched it. My jaw hit the floor. What the hell was this? Am I watching the Democratic debate? It sounds like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. It sounds like every kook conspiracy theorist out there and he said it. And doubles down.

Read more at MarkLevinShow.com.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Now add to that Trump's massive lies about Cruz on virtually every issue. Former Sen. Coburn is spitting furious about Trump using a statement disparaging Cruz by an extreme leftist kook and attributing it to him (Coburn).

    Trump needs to be called out at every opportunity for his lies and deceit.

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Trump is unhinged.

  3. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Oh please, pointing out that Bush contributed to 9/11 because he refused to screen muslims entering the US per orders from his Saudi cuddle bunny Bandar, the illegitimate son of one of the Saudi kings, who was the Saudi ambassador during GW's 2 terms in office. It's the reason Atta, I e of the 9/11 bombers was able to get on board that plane, what's more Bush still exempted Arabs from airport screenings after 9/11. Mark Levin does t want that fact discussed, so he slanders Trump for daring to speak the truth. Levin does exactly what the left and neocons do when we citizens speak out against the erosion of our borders and sovereignty, attack us and call us vile names to silence and discredit us. Levin can't debate on the merits. And as to this other nonsense it's Cruz who is going around lying, attacking Carson and Trump. He WO t debate on the merits either. Cruz who excuses his Council on Foreign Relations and Goldman Sachs paid wife, who rationalizes erasing our borders and subjecting us to rule by a foreign, u elected unaccountable globalist body.

    Btw, I was unable to sign in using my google acct as for some idiotic reason your settings only allow those with google+ accts to do so.

  4. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Looks like his followers are unhinged, too.

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Pot, you're black said the kettle

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I guess it never occurred to anyone here that
    Trump is running to win in an OPEN PRIMARY state,
    in which Democrats and Independents can vote
    for the Republican candidate,
    and that Trump is trolling for their votes as well.

  7. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Yes. The conservatives have to get off their duffs en masse and vote. Only way to quash Trump.
