Friday, February 05, 2016

NICE WORK, LI'L FALWELL: Evangelical Trump Drops F-Bomb in Major Speech With Kids in Audience

Last week, Iowa evangelical leader Robert Vander Plaats expressed surprise and confusion over the endorsement of Donald Trump by Jerry Falwell's son:

I’m just confused and flabbergasted by the endorsement. I don’t think his endorsement is going to move people. I think when people see Trump is not a conservative—he’s pro-choice. He’s not going to stand up for marriage. He’s not going to stand up to an activist court. He wants to make deals with the establishment and he’s shown judgment and temperament that people are very concerned [about].

As if to reinforce the notion that Trump is an opportunistic chameleon, today Mr. Trump dropped the F-bomb in a major speech in front of thousands of children.

Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.


  1. Chris Christie on Fox: ‘I Know You Guys Would Like to Have a Do-Over for Trump’

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Those children have heard worse in their classrooms. I, for one, am not outraged. Quite the opposite. It's about time someone speaks the truth about the reality of the tearing down of America.

  3. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Trump personifies all that's rotten with the culture in America.
    Foul, loud, and arrogant.

  4. He told O'Reilly this evening that he never actually said the F word - and he never said it very clearly.

  5. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Looks like the assswipe so called Paul Ryan Conservatives want to have Obama Lite ,, amnesty Rubio at whatever cost .. the NRO fools in action

  6. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Obama has done more damage to America's Children in last 8 year ,than Trump ever will with words.. Notice how quiet the fool Cruzie and Amnesty Liar Rubios are now ..LOL

  7. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Chris Christie a tool of Washington Establishment Rinos .....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I know it's a droll expression, but is he off his meds?

  10. It is a lie that Trump dropped the F-bomb in a major speech in front of thousands of children.

    Trump never said the word. He mouthed the word.

    The title of this piece is false.

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Any second look, wouldn't include Gov Crisco, or a third, or fourth.


  12. Parker Shannon, are you smoking dope while posting?

    The video which I've included has the unedited remarks of Mr. Trump.

    "You're not gonna raise that f***ing price!"

  13. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Such snark, contained in a headline before one even gets to the article itself, is questionable in it's necessity, from such a conservative blog. Expected from the likes of Salon, or HuffPo, or even the Beast. This infighting is beyond tedious.

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The circular firing squad continues apace. With crap like this being "written" about other Republicans, who needs Democrats to do any attacking? The globalists are three steps and trillions ahead.

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I didn't leave the party the party left me !!!
