Monday, March 21, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Soros Adviser Gave $200K to Boost Kasich

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Soros Adviser Gave $200K to Boost Kasich: Edmund Kozak
RNC Chair 'Not 100%' on Trump, Cruz, or Kasich Taking Nomination: Jim Swift
Trump protesters: 'Sue the bastards': Paul Bedard

The Possibility of Maybe: Dwight Kehoe
Why it’s time for a Trump revolution: Michael Goodwin
John Kasich Has No Money or Mathematical Way to Be the Nominee: Erick Erickson

Lead Organizer Who Shut Down Highway to Trump Rally Is a “Soros Fellow”: Jim Hoft
Kasich Calls Good Cop and Idiot, Then Lies About It: Scott Osborn
Silence as Judge Smacks Down Trump’s Ted Cruz Birther Claims: Rachel Stockman

Our Poorly Educated Electorate: Eric Bledsoe
Kasich responds to anti-Trump 'split the map' strategy: Dana Bash
68k+ Cubans flood into U.S. in 17 months, most through Mexico: Sharyl Attkisson

Yikes: New poll shows Hillary leading Trump, 38/36 — in Utah: Hot Air
Trump reportedly to meet with top Republicans in Washington: Fox
Barack Obama is a Democrat ward hack and a complete fraud: John Ruberry


What Skills Will People Need In the Future?: Jeffrey Carter
A Laffer-Curve Relationship between Welfare Spending and Poverty: Dan Mitchell
Michigan to get walloped with refugees this fiscal year: Ann Corcoran

Scandal Central

CSPAN: 'FBI Agents Are Required to Read' Clinton Cash Book: Jerome Hudson
Will Hillary get charged, or what?: Charles Gasparino
Feds Thumb Nose at Court in Slants Case, Court Says “Oh Hell No”: Patterico

Climate & Energy

EPA lacks authority on Clean Power Plan: Adam Paul Laxalt
Largest U.S. refinery now belongs to Saudi Arabia: Charles Kennedy


Fear and Loathing: ‘Kazika the Mad Jap’ Could Not Be Reached for Comment: R.S. McCain
Thank you, Hulk Hogan! Gawker Smear Machine Gets What It Deserves: Michelle Malkin
The Art of th Con: Ronald L. Rubin

Why Are We Dumbing Down the SAT?: Stefan Beck
CBS Focus Group Member Calls Clinton ‘Worst Liar I Think I’ve Ever Seen’: David Rutz
Trump Will Drop Out By Mid-October And Endorse Hillary Clinton: Martin Knight

Meet The Press Confronts Reid With Past Hypocritical Stances on Supreme Court Nominations: David Rutz
Twitter User Hands Hillary Her Ass After One Epically Flawed Tweet About Guns: Christy Lee Parker
Donald Trump is The Killing Joke: Joe Cunningham


Reports: U.S. deploying ground forces to Iraq base: Jacqueline Klimas
Erdogan’s boomerang: Turkey is now at total war: Yossi Melman
Chilling First-Hand Account of ISIS Massacre of Nuns: Clarion

Obamas Visit Cuba: Exam
Sen. Marco Rubio picks apart Obama’s trip to apartheid Cuba: Alberto de la Cruz
Figures. Raul Castro Blows Off Feckless Obama as He Touches Down in Cuba: Jim Hoft

The Democrats' Soft Spot for Jihad: Robert Spencer
Stop Trump Movement Gets Boost From Mexico's Efforts in U.S.: Bloomberg
Leave AIPAC out of it: Abu Yehuda

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

DARPA Is Hacking the Peripheral Nervous System to Train American Spies: Yasmin Tayag
Clinton email reveals: Google sought overthrow of Syria's Assad: Rudy Takala
See invisible motion, hear silent sounds: Michael Rubenstein


How the US ends up in a real Civil War this Fall: John Robb
A 400-pound tight end prospect could set an NFL Draft record in April: Will Brinson
Meet The 4-Year-Old Boy Who Could Crush Mozart: Malaysian Digest

Image: Ice breaker: US nuclear submarine bursts through frozen Arctic ice
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Save Our Broken Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "...both the elite and the Republican base fear that even a tiny hint from them now that Trump might be the nominee only weakens the fighting chances of the last standing Trump alternative, Ted Cruz. And, of course, those who swear that they would never vote for Trump in April may, in fact, do so in November if he should clean up his act, tone down his speeches, bring on Republican elites to his team, and more or less "get with it." I think that was the point of Karl Rove’s latest op-ed instruction manual for Trump.

Mostly unmentioned, except for a few bolder Republicans, is the specter that elites and establishment types really will form a third party, stay home, or vote for Hillary Clinton. We can dispense with the triad of choices, because there is only one choice: staying home or forming a third party, despite all the high-minded professions, is a vote for Hillary Clinton, or rather a third term for Barack Obama. And there lies the dilemma that everyone dreads.

So the looming questions for the elite concern whether Godzilla Hillary would be better than King Kong Trump." --Victor Davis Hanson


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I followed a link to a RedState column and then to the comments. I see EE's policy of banning anyone with the slightest inclination to disagree has worked wonders in that most of the commenters agree with the preposterous assumption that Cruz, if nominated, will get only 25% of the vote against Hillary and Trump will, if nominated, drop out by Oct and throw his support to Hillary.

    Jesus Doug, you read that and thought it would be worthy enough to merit a link? What's next? Aryan Nation recipes? The hot, new 3 cylinder cars from N Korea?

    I'm embarrassed for you man.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Trump, love him or hate him, has turned the lights on and the cockroaches sure do run..

  3. Anonymous9:07 AM

    NeverCruz is so baked into the system, there is no need to have a hash tag for it. All he can do now is help Kasich gain the GOPe nomination. Perhaps Cruz wants to be Kasich's VP?
