Thursday, April 07, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Another one of those “Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.” moments

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Another “Can you imagine Trump in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.” moments: LI
Obama Loves Lecturing. Too Bad He's Not Bright And Has No Original Thoughts.: Ace

We Thought We Were Free: Politically Short
Sanders: 'Yes' I'd apologize for slavery and I'd pay reparations: DailyMail
63-point swing to Sanders among WI African-American voters: Victor Skinner

Money can’t buy class: Liberty Zone
Mark Levin to #NeverTrumpers: “Stop Trump” effort must end before general: Hot Air
Exclusive: Cruz about even with Trump in Republican presidential race - poll: Chris Kahn

US Embassy: Syrian refugee surge to America is now underway: Ann Corcoran
Cruz Ventures Into the Bronx in Delegate Quest: Caitlin Huey-Burns
Kasich's manipulative leadership: CPF


America 1956 vs. America 2016: Michael Snyder
NYC Conducts ‘Terror Drill’ at JFK; Neglects To Inform Airport Police: Tammy Bruce
GOP vows to fight new "fiduciary" rule: Peter Schroeder

McDonalds Responds To Minimum Wage Hikes, Launches McCafe Coffee Kiosk: ZH
Colorado preschoolers learning about same-sex couples, gender issues: Yesenia Robles
Sign up now: Medi-Cal expanding to cover children of illegal aliens: Emily Bazar

Scandal Central

How the FBI destroys Hillary: 10 questions that could end her White House dreams: H.A. Goodman
Obama Claims Power to Make Illegal Immigrants Eligible for Social Security, Disability: CNS
Evaluating Bowe Bergdahl: Tom Meyer

Previously Deported Illegal Alien May Face Charges for Killing Texas Firefighter, 2 Children: Lana Shadwick
Government seeks to limit questions in Clinton email case: Fox
Government Dysfunction Costs Lives: Betsy McCaughey

Climate & Energy

The Awful Terrible Horrible Global Sea Ice Crisis: Willis Eschenbach
Attorneys General ready to prosecute global warming deniers: David Leach


GAP Pulls "Racially Insensitive" Ad Because They're Weak and Stupid: Ace
Daily Show Digs Up Most Disturbing Donald Trump Daughter Clip Yet: Mediaite
The Anti-Trump: Obama Slowly Stepping Into the Campaign Fray: Josh Lederman

Obama Knows Best: Hugh Fitzgerald
The Left’s New Battleground: Co-ed Bathrooms: John Hinderaker
Trump Whines and Whines Until He Loses: Ben Shapiro


The Panama Papers – In The Beginning There Was Putin: NoisyRm
Sharia Law 'Tolerated, Ignored, Accommodated in Europe,' Now 'Beginning to Manifest' in U.S.: John Hayward
Muslims in NYC Say Sharia Law Supersedes the U.S. Constitution: Creeping

Obama’s Iran Legacy Will Get Americans Killed: Frank Gaffney, Jr.
The Coming Illegality of Acting Legally: Veronique de Rugy
Leftist Norwegian Politician Gets Raped By Somali, Advocates For Him not to be deported: Jonah Bennett

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Here’s What It Will Look Like When Autonomous Cars Render Traffic Lights Obsolete: Futurism
How organic search might influence the 2016 US election: Tereza Litsa
Nearby Supernovas Showered Earth With Iron: Jason Major


Bailing Out The Tomb Boomers: "There's gold in them thar grannies.": American Digest
Today's Assignment: Sondrakistan
A Hit for Bobby: C&S

Ted Cruz - a Bad Lip Reading: Bad Lip Reading
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: MOTUS
Appraisal: 1960 GMT Master Model Rolex with Box & Papers: Antiques Roadshow

Image: Previously Deported Illegal Alien May Face Charges for Killing Texas Firefighter, 2 Children
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "Remember when Ted Cruz (or Marco Rubio, or Jeb Bush, or any other Republican) lost a primary and accused his opponent of criminal election activity, and then hid from the media on election night?

Neither do I.

You get out there on election night, congratulate the other side and give a speech to rally for the next battle. Or at least you don’t act like a two-year old brat who just had a half-finished candy bar taken away.

Last night Donald Trump acted like the two-year old. For the first time in his adult life he was speechless and camera-shy after getting crushed in the Wisconsin primary." --William A. Jacobson


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Trump is nothing but a cowardly bully. He (or a Tweeter surrogate) hides behind his computer and takes cheap shots that have no substance or truth to them, just to keep his base stirred up. It's called agitprop. Agitation propaganda. Trump (or, again, a surrogate) use lefty Alinsky tactics to keep the chaos and confusion going and keep their low intellect, low information, unhappy with the "establishment" mentality going and viciously employ a scorched earth, smear campaign against Ted Cruz. Trump has a narcissistic, arrested emotional development personality - he is a disgrace with an overblown ego who emotional, shoot off his mouth first, then lies about everything he stands for and everything he is. That there are people who have fallen into his "trap" is very sad commentary on what kind of people we have that are, unfortunately, able to call themselves Americans and have the right to vote. When a "cult personality" becomes a front runner for the most powerful position in our government and the media and GOPe, Democrats and the Clinton machine you HAVE to know are behind the whole scam - and you fall for it - you don't deserve to be an American and certainly don't deserve to have a vote.

  2. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Ben Sharpiro? Dude, he is a BOUGHT and PAID for hack. And the EE links, GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.

    Doug, I've been a huge fan for many years as you've been my #1 bookmark but the past few months have been a real eye opener as to how you can manipulate the news(?) dissemination.

    People like the above commenter are probably pretty happy with your TDS-I'm not.

    Every day, a parade of vile anti Trump links-sorry but I'll take balance like at IOTW or BB but no more here-you're on hiatus. If I wanted my values, my principles, my culture slammed like you are intent on doing, I'd stick to Common Dreams or KOS.

    Cya later

  3. Anonymous12:10 AM

    You got crap head Rino Congress gave Obama anything he wanted for 8 years even after 2 Republican landslide wins ..... some bozo critics Trump while saying nothing about useless Congress ..LOL no one home
