Friday, April 15, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Cruz: You're damn right I called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor

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Cruz: You're damn right I called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor: Hot Air
“Wreck-It Donald” Is Breaking Conservatism from Within: Jon Gabriel
Guest commentary: A warning directly from Europe: Ann Corcoran

Guess Who Just Got Zero Loyal Delegates In Nebraska?: RS
Trump’s Seeming Incomprehension Of State Primaries Is A Big Red Flag: Brent Smith
Several State Parties Rule That Rubio's Delegates Are No Longer Bound To Him: Ace

Justice Thomas: Mr. Republican: Ken Masugi
The Donald/Bernie Show: Shades Of Hugo Chavez: Mona Charen
Uber Gave Gov. Agencies Data on Over 12M Users: NBC New York

Fox News Exclusive: U.S. Marines are at the Breaking Point: Scoop
The War on the Little Sisters of the Poor: BattleSwarm
House 2016: How a Democratic Wave Could Happen: OpinionToday


Puerto Rico Bailout Shows Corruption of Paul Ryan and GOPe Leadership: CHQ
UC Davis Wondered If $175,000 Would Make The Internet Go Away. Conclusion: No.: Ken White
Illegal Aliens Being Deported On Luxury Jets, Taxpayers Paying $300,000/Day: WZ

Scandal Central

Cornyn: Obama 'trying to influence' FBI Clinton probe: Joel Gehrke
Judge: Sandy Hook Victims Can Sue Gun-maker: Herschel Smith
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Climate & Energy

Bill Nye: Throw ‘climate deniers’ in jail: Ryan Girdusky
Warmist Michael E. Kraft Wants To Punish Climate Deniers: William Teach


Pick Up the Owner's Manual for Politics and Know How to Use It!: EIB
Mark Levin to Trump: Stop ‘whining’ about GOP rules: Mark Hensch
Sharpton Snaps at Megyn Kelly to ‘Calm Down’ When Challenged on Ferguson Findings: CNS

7 times Ted Cruz's daughters stole the show: Anna Giaritelli
MOOK SPOOKED: Bernie lying about crowd sizes!: Olaf Ekberg
Sharpton Ruins Man’s Life, Doesn’t Care: PoliZette


Very Uncomfortable Truths: What if the Arabs won?: DTG
Why Bernie Sanders Says Terrible Things about Israel: Roger L. Simon
Expert: - The situation is catastrophic: Speisa

IS destroys the “Gate of God”: NewEurope
Gavin Boby does the math on Muslim rape gangs in the UK: Vlad Tepes
Britons Taste the Joy of Multiculturalism: MB

Russia rejects criticism of fly-by near US Navy destroyer: WaPo
Saudi-Iran Clash Possible at Islamic ‘Unity’ Summit: CNS
This year, Elijah to face armed guards outside Brussels Seders: Judah Ari Gross

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Meet Naked, a mirror that tracks your body's changes: Lily Prasuethsut
How Obamacare Is Fueling America’s Opioid Epidemic: Sean Gregory, Time Magazine
Swallowing a smart pill: The future of monitoring sports performance: Michael Sawh


Steph Curry Is On Pace To Hit 102 Home Runs: Ian Levy
Talk Obama to Me: Talk Obama to Me
The NBA’s Carmelo Anthony Talks Watches: WatchReport

Image: Steph Curry Is On Pace To Hit 102 Home Runs
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "According to The Wall Street Journal, here’s what [Speaker Paul] Ryan and his establishment Republican “leadership” want you to bailout with your hard-earned tax dollars:

Puerto Rico’s $46 billion unfunded pension liability is its single largest debt. The government pension funds are projected to run out of cash by 2019. Pension payments from the general fund would then exceed annual debt service under the proposed restructuring.

Like Illinois and other liberal states, Puerto Rico has shortchanged its pensions while buying the votes of its Brahmin public-employee class. In 2003 and 2007, politicians created new public-worker retirement entitlements including Christmas, summer and medication “bonuses” (in addition to their subsidized health benefits).

The pension funds have also served as a credit union for public workers. According to a 2013 audit, employees and retirees could borrow up to $100,000 for home mortgages and $5,000 for travel “to foreign countries for rest, recreation or educational pursuits.” As of 2013 such personal loans represented about a quarter of the general employees’ retirement system’s investment portfolio.

In other words, one segment of the elite political class – Congress – is demanding that the taxpayers bailout another segment of the elite political class – Puerto Rican public employees. " --George Rasley


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hey Hillary, Muamar Khadafy called, he wants his life back.

  2. Anonymous10:50 AM

    "Uncomfortable truths" indeed.
    I hear that Bernie today, when questioned about his policies, and the fact that he would likely die of old age in the White House replied, "your grandparents didn't eat oatmeal because they liked it".

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Paul Ryan has a primary challenger this year since he is up for reelection in Wisconsin's First Congressional District. The challenger's name is Paul Nehlen. Please visit his Website at and donate if you can. We MUST get rid of Ryan. He is not only a RINO, he is a corrupt, globalist, New World Order supporter. He is NOT a believer in an exceptional AMERICA. He is not a conservative or a Replican - he is an enabler of the far left Democrat "agenda". He is no better than Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, and all the other communists that are destroying our country.

    Come one Wisconsin - GET RID OF RYAN. VOTE FOR PAUL NEHLEN. Thank you.


  4. FOX NEWS EXCLUSIVE: The US Marines are at their BREAKING POINT
