Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Trump Campaign and Matt Drudge Fail To Read Rules in Colorado

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Trump Campaign and Matt Drudge Fail To Read Rules in Colorado: Deanna Fisher
Yes Donald, Colorado Did Vote… On March 1st: Robert Eno
The ‘Voice of the People’ Fallacy: Thomas Sowell

No, Trump can't win: Timothy P. Carney
‘Hillary would beat him from jail’: Glenn Thrush
Trump Is The Weakest GOP Front-Runner In The Modern Era: Harry Enten

Is Ted Cruz Electable?: Stuart Schneiderman
Colorado Delegate: Trump Campaign’s Treatment of Supporters ‘Frustrating’ : Virginia Kruta
Time for John Kasich to Get his Very Own Scarlet “T”: Leon H. Wolf

Buyer Beware: 11 Million Reasons for Conservatives to Rethink Trump: Julio Rivera
Mr. ‘Win, Win, Win!’, Doesn’t Know How to Play: Andrew C. McCarthy
The Rule: First Candidate to 1,237 Wins: David Limbaugh


Fed Official: America No Longer Top Country to Achieve American Dream: Ali Meyer
Shocka: NLRB Official Suspended for Pro-Union Conflict of Interest: Bill McMorris
(Photos) Urban Decay in Chicago: The Central Manufacturing District: Marathon

Scandal Central

How Does A Speaker of the House Amass Personal Wealth?: P&F
Report: Five Clinton shell companies established in Delaware: Rudy Takala
Workers at FBI, State Dept., other agencies used D.C. Madam escort service: Kyle Feldscher

Experts cast doubt on Clinton indictment: Rudy Takala
Obama on Hillary Investigation: “There’s Classified, And Then There’s Classified”: Patterico
House Republicans Finally Receive Huma Abedin, Susan Rice Benghazi Files: JNi.Media

Climate & Energy

Gina McCarthy promises EPA “won’t go down without a fight” if GOP wins in November: Jazz Shaw
Obama’s Eleventh Hour Land Grab: Brent Smith
Hadley Climate data has been “corrected” thanks to alert climate skeptic: Anthony Watts


Clinton Defiantly Refuses To Release Transcripts To Philly Ed Board: America Rising
Trump Whines About Being Cheated. He Was Only Cheated By His Very Good Brain And The Very Best People: DailyWire
Good news for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, but weird electoral process could wreak havoc: BPR

Wash Post: Trump's Charity Donations Don't Come from Own Pocket: Greg Richter
Trump’s Twitter In 2012: Rick Santorum Has An Inept Delegate Operation: HayRide
Krauthammer Tears Into Trump’s CO Complaints; How Will He Then ‘Handle the Nefarious Chinese?’: Curtis Houck

Trump and Drudge Are Lying to You About Colorado Delegates: Ricochet
All of a sudden Trump likes Rubio and Scott Walker: FAM
Hillary Clinton Warns That Guns, Not Criminals, Are Committing Crimes: Brian Anderson


We Don't Understand What is Happening. Are We Deliberately Ignorant?: Elephant
Libya Wasn't Obama's Worst Mistake, It Was Hillary's: Daniel Greenfield
Mexico Is Not a Functioning Democracy: ForPol

Brussels-terrorist worked in the EU Parliament: SPEISA
Are there Muslim no-go zones in Minnesota-stan?: Creeping
How an Attack on America Would Probably Begin: SHTFplan

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Feds say Zika virus 'scarier than we initially thought': Nicole Duran
Amazon has been selling surveillance cameras infected with malware: Jacob Siegal
Chinese researchers edit human embryos again via CRISPR - Altered genes to be resistant to HIV: Antonio Regalado


2016 Talkers Heavy Hundred 1-25: Talkers
Just Say No; Better Yet - HELL NO!: MOTUS
Colorado Senator Rips Into Trump: How Can You Beat ISIS If You Can't Figure Out Convention?: Bridge Johnson

Image: ‘Hillary would beat him from jail’
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "If Republicans nominate Donald Trump, they nearly cede the White House to Hillary Clinton. Trump wouldn't merely be an underdog in the general election. He would be the worst Republican nominee since Alf Landon 80 years ago.

The polls show Trump would be a disaster. To date, Trump's message control has been a disaster, and it would be a disaster in the general election. His political inexperience, which has hamstrung him in the primary cycle, would be a disaster in the fall." --Timothy P. Carney


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Its pretty plain to regular voters,if you're still swinging for Cruz, you're really just swinging to knock-out Trump. Cruz can't win at this point. EVERYBODY with half a brain cell, knows it. Its not hard to see. All he is doing is providing the GOPe an excuse to claim the voters are too divided so they must select a new candidate.

    Its not arguable. Its plain as the nose on your face.

    In other words, its really the Cruz-ers who are gonna blow the party to kingdom come. Because we know they are only out to knock off the real grassroots. In any remotely reasonable campaign, the party and insiders would be rallying around Trump well before now to defeat the Dem's.

    There's nothing reasonable about this. Its a temper tantrum. Their way or no way. Lose to the Dem's. Who cares? As long as they get to stop the man who beat their guy.

    Two can play that you know. If no Trump, I'm gonna vote Dem all the way down unless I see someone who endorsed Trump. I'm far from alone. Am seeing other commenters bringing it up several times a day now. Its a Yugely growing movement.

    Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind Cruz-ers. "He who has the power to destroy a thing, owns a thing." Frank Herbert

    The grassroots base has the power to destroy the GOPe. Don't make us do it.

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Oh, and before anybody starts, I've never voted Dem in my life. Voted almost every time the polls were open, always for the most conservative candidate.

    But the GOPe has betrayed us enough. If in order have something decent replace it, I must help tear it down, so be it. They are determined to back me into that corner.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    So Trump and his campaign lie to his supporters that there was no vote or caucus in CO, when reality is that he mismanaged the CO caucus to the point of embarrassment.

    And now they are rolling out "GOP betrayed us". Where the h... were they Boehner and McConnel were fighting Tea Party?

    Oh that's right Trump was bankrolling both Boehner and McConnel. And the man who financed the trators throws a TrumpTantrum - "GOP betrayed us".

    No wonder the rest of the country (70%) hates Trump.

    Enough of Trump lies! A vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary!

  4. Anonymous4:55 AM

    So many things wrong with the above:

    1) CO had a convention, not a caucus. Colorado voters were not allowed to participate. Only, GOPe elites (e.g. backers of Rubio/Cruz/Bush) were there.

    2) GOPe/Cruz omitted a number of Trump delegates from the process.

    3) GOPe/Cruz printed some of their delegates multiple times in the spaces that should have held Trump delegates.

    4) Due to this *PROVEN* illegitimate activity, it is likely that the entire Colorado delegation will not be seated/voting at the convention. A necessary step to prevent state by state fights over who evil be listed as the Republican candidate.

    If you want the truth about Cruz's unelectability check you The Conservative Treehouse Blog . Found here:


    Please vote for Trump! Not the indistinguishable Goldman Sachs twins Ted Clinton and Hillary Cruz.

  5. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Sorry about the typos in the above.... I was trying a new tool with spelling correction powers that obviously failed.

    "Who evil be listed" should be "Who will be listed"

    "Check you" should be "Check out"

  6. Ah, there's a paragon of journalistic moderation.....the Conservative Treehouse. I support Cruz because he's anti-Trump, and somewhere along the way I and he get along with the GOPe. Logic legerdamain. I attend my GOP committee meetings and know the process state wide. I also don't see the GOPe in it. You can't have this both ways. Demonstrably, Trump has funded the GOPe, now he's complaining about it. Factually, he's received more "votes" and proportionally received more delegates (but so many of you have no idea what that means nor the process to get there) - but up to a point. You do the math, he has benefitted from the many systems (not just one!) that have awarded him delegates, minus the last 11 which he has blown.

    I have despised the man - Trump - from day 1, but on policy grounds. On moral grounds but for the Grace of God go I. He has no morals except self interest and protection. He has a wall that he continues to say Mexico will pay for (bet you a damned good steak dinner if he were elected it wont happen this way) He has no position on abortion, judging by his many changes of course. Illegal immigration? Deport them, but only "the good ones come back". Protectionism? Oh, how about the Congress and the Judicial branch, are they a factor? Because Trump characterizes what a president does while in office as " rule". Pretty damning when you actually listen to the man talk.

    He is absolutely unprincipled and yet some of you think we should remove our brains and our own sets of principles? I support Cruz based on the fact his positions are knowable and consistent. Trump? He's all over the freaking map. You can't tell me where he stands on Any. Single. Issue. If anyone is burning down the GOP, it's not me or those like me.

  7. Ah, there's a paragon of journalistic moderation.....the Conservative Treehouse. I support Cruz because he's anti-Trump, and somewhere along the way I and he get along with the GOPe. Logic legerdamain. I attend my GOP committee meetings and know the process state wide. I also don't see the GOPe in it. You can't have this both ways. Demonstrably, Trump has funded the GOPe, now he's complaining about it. Factually, he's received more "votes" and proportionally received more delegates (but so many of you have no idea what that means nor the process to get there) - but up to a point. You do the math, he has benefitted from the many systems (not just one!) that have awarded him delegates, minus the last 11 which he has blown.

    I have despised the man - Trump - from day 1, but on policy grounds. On moral grounds but for the Grace of God go I. He has no morals except self interest and protection. He has a wall that he continues to say Mexico will pay for (bet you a damned good steak dinner if he were elected it wont happen this way) He has no position on abortion, judging by his many changes of course. Illegal immigration? Deport them, but only "the good ones come back". Protectionism? Oh, how about the Congress and the Judicial branch, are they a factor? Because Trump characterizes what a president does while in office as " rule". Pretty damning when you actually listen to the man talk.

    He is absolutely unprincipled and yet some of you think we should remove our brains and our own sets of principles? I support Cruz based on the fact his positions are knowable and consistent. Trump? He's all over the freaking map. You can't tell me where he stands on Any. Single. Issue. If anyone is burning down the GOP, it's not me or those like me.

  8. You need to look here: http://lgstarr.blogspot.com/2016/04/citizen-ted-why-ted-cruz-lied-about-his.html#.Vw2rCiYtRhM.facebook

  9. Anonymous1:03 PM

    " I attend my GOP committee meetings and know the process state wide. I also don't see the GOPe in it."

    Then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Check the mirror. That's where you'll find GOPe.

    "He has a wall that he continues to say Mexico will pay for (bet you a damned good steak dinner if he were elected it wont happen this way)"

    And I'll bet a paycheck against a steak dinner that he will do it.

    ANY one with an IQ above room temperature in Nome could make Mexico pay for the wall or have the VAST majority of illegals self-deport inside of a year. Either you're one of the useful idiots or you prefer lawbreakers to law-abiding American citizens, like the rest of the political overlords.

    "I have despised the man - Trump - from day 1"

    Definitive proof that you aren't worth listening to. You started with an agenda that you have to justify to yourself, no matter how blind you must force yourself to be. I started out leaning very, very strongly to Cruz. And I was still leaning pr-Cruz until after the Cruz-bots opened fire with such obvious animosity and lack of ability understand logic that I took a close enough look to see that almost anyone would be better than Cruz.

    A true conservative knows we have to actually HAVE a country to establish those principals in. If we don't stop illegal immigration, internationally restore a fair market to keep-increase American jobs, and restore the rule of law during this next 4-8 years, we won't have an America to preserve our values.

    As long as he doesn't make things worse, abortion and our other deep, deep woes can wait until we're sure we will still have a country. Trump is the only one who stands a chance of heading us in the right direction.
