Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Why You Don't Understand Trump

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Why You Don't Understand Trump: Captain Capitalism
Home field advantage: Trump, Clinton win New York: W. James Antle III
Cruz shows up Trump in Missouri delegate fight: David M. Drucker

Rush: If Trump wins 50% of vote in NY and gets 90% of delegates, is that “fair”?: Hot Air
Cruz on Trump: Campaign Seems Incapable Of 'Running A Lemonade Stand': Hannity
Wow! Check Out This Ted Cruz Radio Interview! Sparks Flyin'!: PolitiBrew

The Republican Race Becomes The People vs. The Delegates: Roger L. Simon
Stressed Kasich Snaps At Reporter, Snatches His Recorder: Shifra
Something Something Something Danger Zone: BattleSwarm

Vermont Gun Rights Group to Clinton: You’re a Liar!: Jenn Jacques
‘She’s the devil’: Sanders fans slam Hillary: Kyle Olson
Hillary on shameless pandering to black voters: ‘Is it working?’: Larry O'Connor

To #BlackLivesMatter, No Lives Matter: Heather Mac Donald
Uncovering the Hidden Truths of 9/11: John R. Schindler
Cruz Calls for Unity Against Trump: Michael Warren

5 Lessons From Trump's Big Win In New York: Ben Shapiro
Trump campaign pays Breitbart editor $8,000: Gabby Morrongiello
Report: Corey Lewandowski suffers embarrassing demotion: Twitchy


Obama's open-door immigration policy blamed for surge in rural gang crime: Paul Bedard
E-Verify And The Deep Duplicity Of Our Government On Immigration: John Derbyshire
The Appeal of Sanders and Trump in One Chart: Barry Ritholtz

Scandal Central

Sonia Sotomayor wants Religious Litmus Test!: Leslie Eastman
Rep. Kristi Noem: IRS Is Rehiring Employees Fired for Misconduct: Susan Jones
White House rejects demand to boost IRS integrity: Paul Bedard

Climate & Energy

Gavin Schmidt and Reference Period “Trickery”: Steve McIntyre
Pelosi’s Husband Invested in Solar Firm Weeks Before Lucrative Expansion: Lachlan Markay
Systematic Error in Climate Measurements: The surface air temperature record: Pat Frank


WashPost's Sunday Front-Page Defines New York Values: 'Ted Cruz Is a Complete A--hole': Tim Graham
Paglia: Hillary Clinton Is ‘Utterly Corrupt,’ ‘Incompetent,’ ‘Soulless’: David Rutz
Hannity Tries To Ambush Cruz, Fails: Hank Berrien

How Democrats Win Debates By Corrupting The English Language: David Harsanyi
Ted Cruz on CNBC's Squawk Box: Stuart Schneiderman
Liberals Really Are This Intellectually Disabled....: Feral Irishman

Rapper's ankle bracelet goes off in White House: TMZ
Second New York Observer writer resigns over paper's endorsement of Trump: Gabby Morrongiello
Aspiring rapper killed after music video about guns turns into bloodbath: DailyMail


Nothing to Worry about from Middle-Eastern Refugees? Think Again.: Tammy Bruce
The Muslim Will vs. the Western Way: Raymond Ibrahim
Belgian police arrest 23-year-old Swedish national, charged over brutal Brussels attacks: NEOnline

Tommy Robinson, “enemy of the state”: Ted Belman
ISIS plans beach massacres in Europe: Speisa
Where the Streets Have No Jokes (cont): Mark Steyn

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Help us hack FOIA data at BuzzFeed's hackathon: Michael Morisy
Google just pissed off the entire TV industry: Matthew Hussey
12-Year-Old Israeli Girl Discovers Ancient Egyptian Amulet: AP


The Home Stretch: Steve Berman
A Clever Little Dog Tricks His Big Friend To Get His Toy: Katie McGuire
Video: Shark surprises surfers off Sunset Beach as it goes airborne: OC Register

Image: Uncovering the Hidden Truths of 9/11
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Protect Our Constitution: Ted Cruz for President

QOTD: "The #NeverTrump crowd and the #NeverCruz crowd should take a breather. The real enemies are not each other or even the the evil establishment (give Karl Rove and his white board a break). It is that other winner of Tuesday night's primary -- Hillary Rodham Clinton -- now the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, health and legal issues permitting. She is the one who will extend and expand the policies of Barack Obama that are changing the essence of our country. If you want that, keep fighting with each other." --Roger L. Simon

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Gotta give you credit. Some pro-Trump linkage but especially for "Why You Don't Understand Trump".

    You should link this everyday. Maybe some folks would buy a clue and catch a glimmer.

    In fact, three short articles would cover about 85 percent of Trump's supporters. This article would cover most of them. An article similar, but with strong emphasis on "This looks like our last chance to start getting taxation WITH representation without being forced into another American Revolution and we don't want to see that so we're putting everything into the fight to get Trump elected". And one more article on how America won't survive the next few years if we don't plug the borders and give the American worker a fighting chance for a living against unfair trade and it looks like Trump is the only hope we have.

    The other 15 percent of his supporters are just suck-ups because he's famous and winning.

    Ole Ez
