Thursday, May 12, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Obama DOJ Will Not Seek Death Penalty For Benghazi Attack Mastermind

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Obama DOJ Will Not Seek Death Penalty For Benghazi Attack Mastermind: Tammy Bruce
‘The Answer Is Liberty’ -@ProteinWisdom: Camp of the Saints
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WV: Hillary loses 2/3 of support from 2008: Kyle Olson
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Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill’s Accusers in 1998: Kristinn Taylor

In Alien vs. Predator, I'm for Predator, Because He's OUR Predator: Spengler
Trump Can Win: Larry Elder
Ryan warns: Unifying around Trump is 'going to take some work': Susan Ferrechio

White House’s Susan Rice: U.S. national security agencies are too white: Times
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FBI's Comey: Not a 'security review' of Clinton server, it's an investigation: Josh Gerstein


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Administration Paves Way for States to Bail Out Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops: Melissan Quinn

Scandal Central

Former DOJ Official: Email Case Against Hillary Clinton 'Stinks To High Heaven': Patrick Howley
Ex-DoJ Official: FBI has more than one way to bag Clinton associates: Rudy Takala
Benghazi Shocker: Two Service Members Say They Were Armed And Ready To Rescue: Jeff Dunetz

Climate, Energy and Regulations

Wyoming welder, facing $16M in fines, beats EPA in battle over stock pond: Fox
Dutch Geologist Calls Climate Science A “Mass Hysteria” …”Historians Will Shake Their Heads In Disbelief”: NTZ
MIT Lecture Explores Link Between Islamophobia and Global Warming: Morgan Chalfant


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Trump hammers Hillary for 'bad judgment' in Instagram video: DailyMail


Iran Shows Off Third Underground Missile Site: Bill Gertz
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Is ISIS Moving To Texas?: Jeff Dunetz

The West Lies Down Before Saudi Lies: Raymond Ibrahim
PA PM: We're following the path of the Nazi Mufti: Dalit Halevi
London Muslim Mayor Puts Wife in Hijab AFTER Election: Jim Hoft

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

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Now You’re Printing with Water: Kristina Panos
Solar-Powered Tuk Tuk to Travel More Than 6000 miles: PopSci


This Actor Made A Movie Trailer Using Random People On The Street And It's Epic: Allison Bagg
Ted Nugent’s video share explodes heads: Bernie Sanders pulls gun, shoots Hillary over gun control: Carmine Sabia
"As Barack says, a three letter word: Jobs!" –Joe Biden: MOTUS

Image: Be nice to Hillary Clinton online — or risk a confrontation with her super PAC
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QOTD: "The FBI is probably going to be successful in seeking charges against at least some of Hillary Clinton's associates, according to a former Justice Department official, if not Clinton herself. If it isn't because of classified information, he suggested, it will be because they talk too much and are ill-equipped to defend against charges of public corruption.

"My sense is that the bureau will refer a criminal case over," Matthew Whitaker, who served as a U.S. attorney under President George W. Bush, told the Washington Examiner. "I don't know if it's going to be against Hillary Clinton or others in the inner circle who were actually doing the work of taking classified documents and stripping off information, but my sense is that there will be people charged in this case."" --Rudy Takala


  1. "Obama DOJ Will Not Seek Death Penalty For Benghazi Attack Mastermind"
    Yeah. Most of us figured Hillary would walk!

  2. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I'd like to be reminded in pictures what the Japs did to captured Americans. I'd like to hear again how they tortured our boys at night while their friends listened on Guadalcanal. The words tora, tora, tora weren't uttered just in the movies, and four years later many American lives were saved when Little Boy greeted them saying "smile when you see the flash".
    Barry has apologized for everything else, the only good thing is that nobody believes him anymore.
