Sunday, June 19, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: DHS Official Protected San Bernardino Terror Suspect from Authorities; Paul Ryan’s Hijra

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DHS Official Protected San Bernardino Terror Suspect from Authorities: Bruce Cornibe
Paul Ryan’s Hijra: George Rasley
Tucker Carlson: Paul Ryan Is ‘Working for the Hillary Campaign’: Jim Hoft

Obama Increases Importation of Syrian Refugees After Orlando Terror Attack: ProgsToday
FBI questioning member of Orlando shooter's mosque: Bernie Woodall and Ben Gruber
FL Terrorist Threatened To Kill FL Sheriff's Family, FBI Ignored Threat: Christian Datoc

Does Immigration Mean The End Of Western Civilization?: John Daniel Davidson
LGBT Group Excited To Blame Guns For Orlando: William Teach
New Law Ensures South Carolina Students Will Study the Founding Documents: WZ

The Goal Is People Control, Not Gun Control: Herschel Smith
They Don't Want Your AR-15: They Want Everything: Alan Korwin
10 Cases Proving Trump Right: Armed Citizens Could've Stopped Terrorist: Tammy Bruce


America’s Freedom-Hating, Hoplophobic, Lying Financial Columnists: Liberty Zone
What ATMs and bank tellers reveal about the ‘rise of the robots’ and jobs: AEI
"You Are Living Through The Dumbest Monetary Experimental Endgame In History": Bawerk

Scandal Central

Why Does the IRS Need Guns?: Tom Coburn and Adam Andrzejewski
Meet Laila Alawa, 25-Year old Syrian DHS Advisor Who Wants to Ban Free Speech: Bruce Cornibe
This Week Proves, Again, That Progressivism is a Cult: Steve Deace


Flashback: When Candidate Obama Booted 3 Papers From His Campaign Plane, Nobody Cared: Joe Concha
Breitbart #1 in the World for Political Social Media; Beats HuffPo by 2 Million: Ben Kew
CAIR Honcho Explodes at Breitbart: ‘You Are Anti-Muslim Bigots’: Adelle Nazarian

How the Lying Media Has Warped the Orlando Shooting to its Own Ends: Publius
Is Disney the Prime Villain in the Death of Lane Graves?: Kim Quade
Lewinsky allegedly freaked out after Clinton had affair with Mondale’s daughter: Daniel Halper


The Impact of Islamic Fundamentalism on Free Speech: Denis MacEoin
Operation Badr – 17th Ramadan – June 23, 2016: Sonia Bailley
Venezuela collapses and nobody cares: Scott Gilmore

I don’t have to ANYTHING: Anabel Schunke
Welcome to the Calais Jungle: Lauren Southern
Belgium: More and more Jew-free schools: BNI

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Startup That Sends Your Private Social Dossiers To Potential Landlords Should Be Illegal: Marina Galperina
In Aftermath of Orlando, Facebook Bans Gay Magazine on Behalf of Islam: MB
Contrary to DNC Claim, Hacked Data Contains a Ton of Personal Donor Information: Sam Biddle


New York Nazis? I Hate New York Nazis!: R.S. McCain
Still Grazin’ In The Grass: MOTUS
Main Snopes Fact-Checker a Self-Described Liberal; Called Tea Partiers ‘Teahadists’: Hannah Bleau

Image: Venezuela collapses and nobody cares
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Your Support is Appreciated --- Hit the Tip Jar!

QOTD: "Special agents at the IRS equipped with AR-15 military-style rifles? Health and Human Services “Special Office of Inspector General Agents” being trained by the Army’s Special Forces contractors? The Department of Veterans Affairs arming 3,700 employees?

The number of non-Defense Department federal officers authorized to make arrests and carry firearms (200,000) now exceeds the number of U.S. Marines (182,000). In its escalating arms and ammo stockpiling, this federal arms race is unlike anything in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of these federal officers with arrest-and-firearm authority has nearly tripled to over 200,000 today, from 74,500 in 1996.

What exactly is the Obama administration up to?" --Tom Coburn and Adam Andrzejewski

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    In the spirit of the times, I have heavily redacted and removed all inflammatory content and provide the following to Ms. Lynch and the -- for immediate -- --.
    Every politician in Washington should be --, and -- from -- posts. They -- the -- of the people, -- our inheritance and have grown -- -- us off.
    This week there will be a 10 -- armed -- -- on the -- -- to -- back our Constitutional -- of -- --, naysayers be --.
    -- to --, -- to the --, -- to the way -- have been --. We the - demand -- government and -- -- are being given -- -- --.
