Thursday, July 21, 2016

DEMS PANIC: Despite Blowing Through Millions, Hillary Campaign Tied in Ohio

You say the Matriarch of one of the greatest crime families in U.S. history doesn't appeal to voters? Wow --- who could have predicted that?

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a dead heat in the battleground state of Ohio, according to a new poll released Thursday... Clinton and Trump both have negative favorability ratings, with Clinton viewed unfavorably 41 to 51 percent and Trump 38 to 53 percent.

“These largely negative views of the candidates come despite heavy Clinton campaign advertising in Ohio leading up to the Republican Convention and Trump’s efforts to humanize his candidacy with multiple primetime speeches from family members,” said David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center.

Yes, your Abuela's burning through cash in a futile attempt to overcome her sordid reputation and the distinct odor of cat urine that permeates the room when she enters.

Hillary Clinton campaign's posted another impressive fundraising month in June but blew through almost the entire haul, spending more than in any other month of the cycle so far... The campaign spent $34.5 million and raised $36.4 million, leaving it with a slightly higher cash position of $44.4 million at the end of June, according to its latest report to the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday.

Just $5.9 million, or about 16 percent, of her contributions came from small donors. The campaign said its average donation was $48.

As well they should be, Democrats are pissing their collective pants, which is only adding to the smell of urine in the area.

With [the] start of the Democratic [sic] National Convention just three days away, Democratic [sic] groups are expressing dismay that Hillary Clinton is neck and neck with Donald Trump in the polls.

"Were PANICKED, friends," said an email shot from the Democratic [sic] Governors Association.

The group and other Clinton supporters are concerned about the polls and the new analysis by numbers guru Nate Silver showing Clinton's lead down to three points.

The RealClearPolitics average is even worse. Today's analysis has Clinton's lead at 2.8 points.

A tidal wave of money ain't gonna help Ma Barker. She's about as likable as a combined Zika-MRSA virus.

Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.

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