Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Hillary On DNC Emails: “Again, I don’t know anything.”

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Hillary On DNC Emails: “Again, I don’t know anything.”: Tammy Bruce
DNC apologizes to Sanders campaign for emails: Ariel Cohen
Nancy Pelosi booed by Bernie supporters while claiming DNC is unified: John Binder

Julian Assange: ‘No Proof Whatsoever’ Russians Are Behind DNC Hack: Rachel Stockman
Senior Clinton Supporter Blames “Stupid White People” for Trump Lead in Polls: JWF
Check Out The Incredibly Racist DNC Emails Uncovered In WikiLeaks Dump: Hannity

Now Sanders Booed When He Tells His Supporters to Vote for the Haggard Queen: Ace
DNC mocks rule of law, showcases love affair with illegal immigration: Nate Madden
Mom's Tearful Plea To Ryan: Julia Hahn

First Day of DNC Makes RNC Look Like A Lovefest: BattleSwarm
DNC Promises to Fix Superdelagate Scam... Next Election: David Blasdale
Bernie Sanders started a political revolution. Now he can’t stop it.: Chris Cillizza


Texas vs. California Update for July 25, 2016: BattleSwarm
Job-Creating Mike Pence Vs. Job-Crushing Tim Kaine: ConRead
Black Votes Matter: Thomas Sowell

Scandal Central

Man Admits to Role in Funneling Foreign Donations to Obama Campaign: Ronn Blitzer
Facebook Quickly Admits to Censoring WikiLeaks DNC Links, Doesn't Say Why: Stephen Kruiser
DNC Email Leaks Show Racist Outreach to Latinos Called “Taco Bowl Engagement”: Reagan Coalition

Clinton practically handed her email password to the Russians: John Crudele
John Kerry: Air Conditioners As Big A Threat As ISIS: WZ


Pro-Hillary media slammed: 'Cover Clinton like you're covering Trump': Paul Bedard
What’s ‘Making America One Again’ About?: Michael Barone
Trump’s acceptance speech: Cal Thomas

Trump Takes the Lead in Two Post-Convention Polls: Ace
Wonder Woman - the most feminist superhero movie ever - attacked by feminists: Elder
Media too burned out on Nazi salutes to notice Elizabeth Warren’s at DNC: Twitchy


Europe has lost the Islamic war: Giulio Meotti
Germany: Muslim men berate and terrorize sunbathers at nudist beach: BNI
Germany Reconsiders Refugee Welcome After Week of Attacks: Tammy Bruce

Hillary VP pick’s dark ties to Islamists: Leo Hohmann
World War III Anyone?: Brent Smith
MH370 Pilot Flew a Suicide Route on His Home Simulator Closely Matching Final Flight: Jeff Wise

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Geophysicists just debunked a key assumption about how Earth's continents formed: Erin Brodwin
Here's how you should be charging your phone, according to science: Antonio Villas-Boas
A year of Earth from a million miles: Eleanor Imster


Sgt. Schultz and Hillary Know Nothing: MOTUS
Valerie Jarrett Scolds American For Drinking Beer During A Heat Wave: Chuck Ross
here’s to you, Crying Peter Pan Guy: Sondrakistan

Image: Media too burned out on Nazi salutes to notice Elizabeth Warren’s at DNC
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Hillary's VP pick explained. A decade (or more) supporting the Muslim 'Terrorist' Brotherhood

