Monday, September 19, 2016

BLEACHBIT UNDER SUBPOENA: Could someone at the FBI please explain how THIS does not constitute "intent"?

By Tyler Durden

At this point, our readers should be intimately familiar with the timeline leading up to the "Oh S***" moment when the Platte River Networks employee, Paul Combetta, deleted Hillary's emails despite later admitting to the FBI that he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server" (if not, see "The "Oh S***" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena").  Once Combetta was summoned to testify in front of Congress, we also learned that the FBI had granted Combetta an immunity deal (see "The "Oh S***" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity"). 

Well, the plot just continues to thicken around the "Oh S***" guy as a political researcher just posted the following tweet that exposes a Reddit thread from July 2014 in which Combetta sought tech advice on how to "strip out a VIP's (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived emails."

The full thread initiated by Combetta can be viewed here, but below are a couple of the key exchanges. 

Combetta started the thread on July 24, 2014 with the following question seeking technical advice on how to "strip out a VIP's (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email[s]."  "Ironically," the day before the Reddit thread appeared, the Benghazi Committee reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of email and other records related to their investigation.

Combetta was quickly admonished by a user named "borismkv" that "you can't change them" because it was illegal and "could result in major legal issues."  That, however, didn't seem to deter the ambitious Combetta who continued to press "borismkv" for ways around the legal issues.

The whole exchange may have been overlooked but for the following discovery from "Katica" linking Paul Combetta to the "stonetear" user name.  In the post below, this administrator notes that he's "extremely grateful to Paul Combetta" who can be reached at "" 

So, now we have evidence of the Hillary campaign and Platte River Networks conspiring in July 2014 (the day after the Benghazi Committee reached an agreement with the State Department on the production of email records and a full 5 months before Hillary finally delivered all of her emails) to "strip out emails" in an obvious attempt to thwart efforts to collect federal records.  

Could someone within the FBI please explain how this does not constitute "intent"?

Read more at Zero Hedge.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Unfuckingbelievable. And they gave him immunity without knowing the facts. Gawd I wished I knew which kind of immunity they gave him.

    You cannot make this sht up. These people are all culpable, sly, or idiots. It's hard to tell.

  2. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Hopefully this will lead to Comey and hiterly and Loretta lynch and many others going to jail. If Trump is to be the greatest US president ever he has to prosecute 100s of libtards who are part of many conspiracies

  3. We should give them the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure it was just an accident. Obviously he meant to type, "How can I deliver these emails to the government to satisfy a subpoena?", but he got his fingers placed on the keyboard wrong and somehow it came out, "How can I delete these emails?" We all make mistakes like that. I suppose next you'll tell us that YOU never headed to your basement to do the laundry and tripped and fell and accidentally installed and configured an email server, huh?
