Saturday, September 24, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Dangerous Plans Hatched by Obama and UN for Refugee Resettlement

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Dangerous Plans Hatched by Obama and UN for Refugee Resettlement: Joseph Klein
Police: Lone gunman kills 5 at Washington state mall: CNN
FBI Docs: Obama Used Pseudonym To Email Hillary’s Server: Blake Neff

Protest Thugs and the Real Evil in Charlotte: Daniel Greenfield
Mostly Peaceful Protester Arrested for Killing During Charlotte Riots: JWF
Keith Scott Fired Gun at Police in 2004: Jim Hoft

Woman Of The People Is Against Right To Work: William Teach
Race and Murder in the USA: Stuart Schneiderman
Marine Battalion ordered back to base, leave canceled - Camp Lejeune: Semper Fi

Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump for President: BattleSwarm
DNC Wants Lawsuit Filed by Bernie Backers Thrown Out: Rachel Stockman
231 Days Since Clinton Promised To Release Goldman Speechs: Robert Donachie

Scandal Central

Emailgate: How a Twitter User Proved "Intent" That FBI Missed After Months "Investigating": ZH
Chaffetz: DoJ gave Cheryl Mills immunity in e-mail case: Ed Morrissey
Five Clinton aides received immunity deals in FBI probe: Exam

Email shows immigration bosses pushing to swear in new citizens 'due to election': Malia Zimmerman
Obama Seeks Ratification of UN Arms Trade Treaty Before Leaving Office: AWR Hawkins
FBI releases nearly 200 Clinton email documents: Sarah Westwood


Watch: Video of Charlotte shooting released: Pete Kasperowicz
It’s Time for Conservatives to Boycott the NFL: John Hawkins
Ditka to Kaepernick: ‘If You Don’t Like the Country, Get the Hell Out’: Dylan Gwinn


Hillary Clinton Sponsored Secretive Arab Spring Program that Destabilized Middle East: Breitbart
The Real Middle East Story: Walter Russell Mead
Woman Dismembered by Imam for Wearing a Bathing Suit: GoV

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Obama's key internet giveaway advocate can't give a straight answer on free speech concerns: Nate Madden
Elon Musk says the future of AI is in linking it to our brains: Mashable
Take a 360-Degree Tour of 'Doomsday' Seed Vault: Seeker


The Village Idiot; Fundamentally Transformed: MOTUS
Definitions, Pee-Pole!: Sondrakistan
Open Thread: MB

Image: Washington mall shooting: Manhunt underway after gunman kills 5
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "With only months left before before leaving office, President Obama is committed to securing ratification of the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)...

...In 2013 the NRA warned: “This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme [and is full of regulations and requirements that are] blatant attacks on the constitutional rights of every law-abiding American.” The treaty does this, in part, by “[urging] record keeping of end users, directing importing countries to provide information to an exporting country regarding arms transfers, including ‘end use or end user documentation’ for a ‘minimum of ten years.'”

To require recording keeping on end users is nothing other than requiring registration of end users." --AWR Hawkins


  1. Anonymous2:20 PM

    If you're satiated with reactionaries and would like some consideration with your politics, see this from the same people who brought you The Flight 93 Election.

    Doug linked to some evidence that Cruz has given up on the idea that Trump will lose so badly in November that America will turn to Ted with bended knee and fists full of dollars. if you'd rather hear about Cruz endorsing from a view thats not from a Trump Derangement Syndrome source, try The CTH take. Here is some more evidence; Heidi Goes For Gold.

    Please don't miss the article that Doug linked yesterday. This could be the story of the decade if enough people linked to it to raise public awareness. The Dark Underbelly of Corrupt Politics - Political Assassins And Money Laundering Doug is THE ONLY one of my regular reads that has linked it so far. Spread it wide and far.

  2. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Ahh heck, forgot to sign off! That last one was just me, Old Ez.

    Old Ez
