Thursday, September 22, 2016

THE OBAMA POST-RACIAL PRESIDENCY: 8 Stunning Facts Regarding the Conflagration in Charlotte

Spotted at Ginny Meerman-Lee's place:

  1. There's a Black President
  2. There's a Black Congressman
  3. There's a Black Mayor
  4. There's a Black District Attorney
  5. There's a Black Chief of Police
  6. The officer involved in the shooting was Black
  7. The victim perp was Black
So whose fault is it when the perp gets taken out?

Oh, that's right. The era of racial healing instigated by Barack Hussein Soetero Dunham Obama is truly remarkable.

Fundamentally transformed, alright.

Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sorry, but your details are a bit out of date. The black mayor referenced was indicted and sent to jail. The current mayor is a liberal female democrat.

  2. Anonymous12:04 AM

    anonymous1 said:

    "Sorry, but your details are a bit out of date. The black mayor referenced was indicted and sent to jail."

    anonymous2 thanks anonymous1 for the belly laugh, guffah, chuckle, snort, etc., etc.

  3. The deplorable clayusmcret5:57 AM

    Che Barack Hussein Soetero Dunham Obama

  4. But does an Indonesian Muslim president count as an American black? Even if he hasn't been indicted and sent to jail yet? (There's still hope that justice will prevail, though it's waning.)
