Thursday, October 27, 2016

GREAT NEWS: The Worst is Yet to Care With Obamacare

By William Teach

Obamacare is going downhill, just as predicted. Democrats know it, which is why they’re trying to get Republicans to fix it:

Because the worst is yet to come:

(NY Post) Still ahead: Budget crises in the states that accepted temporary federal bribes to massively expand their Medicaid rolls. More premium hikes on the exchanges, as ever fewer healthy people sign up for coverage — prompting even lower enrollment, and more price hikes, in a sharp “death spiral.”

The “Cadillac tax” will kick in soon, too — so if your union has won great health coverage at the bargaining table, that plan will pay a penalty to Uncle Sam.

The legal challenges aren’t done yet, either.

The entire thing is unsustainable, so

Now ObamaCare is collapsing, and presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton vows to “fix” it with new spending and even more Washington control of the market. If she gets Democratic majorities in Congress, she’ll keep that promise — and the madness will grow.

The Democrats' next action is to implement a public option, which they’re already calling for, as insurers limit their Exchange offerings, if not drop out altogether, as we’ve seen happening. This is not a bug of Ocare, it’s a feature. And the next stage is a full, single-payer system. Like the Soviet Union had, before it collapsed. Obamacare was just a baby-step in that direction.

Read more at The Pirate's Cove.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "This is not a bug of Ocare, it’s a feature. And the next stage is a full, single-payer system. Like the Soviet Union had, before it collapsed. Obamacare was just a baby-step in that direction."

    And...they knew it all along since this was their end game goal! I say to all Rs...let it fall flat on its face and start from scratch so that the Ds (more the socialists in the party) cannot claim any credit for what will be created. Instead, let's wrap up the whole thing an pin it on their shoulders. It's time for people to take responsibility for their actions and suffer the consequences of them.

    By the more laws that Congress exempts themselves from but tyrannically enforces on the American citizenry!

    Dr. Bill

  2. Democrat quotes on #Obamacare. Yes, they really said this...
