Monday, October 10, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Crushes Clinton - "You Should Be In Jail"

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Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Crushes Clinton - "You Should Be In Jail": ZH
'We Talk P*ssy': Bill Clinton Golf Buddy Vernon Jordan: Chris Menahan
Clinton: Trump is unfit to serve; Trump: She's heading to jail: James Antle III

Donald Trump holds press conference with the Clintons' victims: Jeremy Lott
Donald Trump, vulgarian, versus Hillary Clinton, corrupt incompetent: Bookworm
Bill Clinton Rapist Posters Spring Up At Debate Grounds: Regated

Wikileaks Hillary Aide: Gun Control To Be Implemented by Exec Order: Tammy Bruce
I would like to applaud my liberal friends' newfound interest in sexual morality!: WyBlog
Reports On Hillary are “Deeply Troubling” as Trump Support Grows: Paul Ebeling

Trumped-Up Outrage: Heather Mac Donald
Trump appears pre-debate with Clinton accusers: William A. Jacobson
Enabler Hillary’s Actions Speak Louder Than Trump’s Words: Daniel John Sobieski


Federal Repression System: John Mauldin

Scandal Central

Exclusive Video Interview: Bill Clinton Accuser Juanita Broaddrick Relives Brutal Rapes: Aaron Klein
After Trump tape, Clinton WikiLeaks dump here’s what’s next, America: John Fund
Email leak shows Clinton may have revealed Usama Bin Laden raid details in secret speeches: Fox


Hacked: Clinton campaign worked with NYT reporter behind scenes: Exam
The Associated Press Spins For Hillary: Power Line
Donald Trump, Sam Adams, and The Modern Sons of Liberty…: Treehouse

Trump’s Troubles & A Cheat Sheet on Allegations against Bill Clinton: Sharyl Attkisson
'Face The Nation' Focus Group: No Minds Changed Based On Trump Tape: Tim Hains
Bill Maher Hit With Palimony Suit: TSG

Shocker: emails reveal “cozy” relationship between Clinton campaign and press: Jazz Shaw
Andrew McCarthy: The Clinton Mandate: Mike McDaniel
Two Odd Political Stories That Carry a Clintonian Style Connection: Treehouse


“Kill all who insult the Prophet”: Pamphlet distributed at LONDON mosque: Victor Laszlo
Diversity will be the death of America, yes, literally: Doug Hagin
French police officers set on fire - 'Planned and organized': SPEISA

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Nuclear-armed drones? They may be closer than you thin: Richard A. Bitzinger
Security bod to MSFT: PowerShell's admin-lite scheme is an open door: Richard Chirgwin
You Can Use a Lighter to Start a Campfire Even If It's Broken: Patrick Allan


It’s a War. “If We Don’t, We Lose.”: MOTUS
“Shame On You!”: Trump Supporters Clash With Republican Leaders: McKay Coppins
Hillary’s Fly or is it Obama’s? “Help me.”: Mr. Pinko

Image: Bill Clinton Rapist Posters Spring Up At Debate Grounds
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "...portions of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails that were deleted but recovered by the FBI were released on Friday. They indicate that top Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were involved in planning private speeches on foreign policy for Bill Clinton while they were on the State Department’s payroll -- a clear conflict of interest.

Excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s series of well-paid speeches to the investment firm Goldman Sachs are embarrassing.

She minimized the role of banks in the 2008 economic collapse, admited she’s out of touch with the middle class and said she has “both a public and a private position” on key economic issues.

She also told Brazilian bankers that “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future,” “Open borders” is a common term describing largely unrestrained immigration, something Hillary claims to oppose." --John Fund

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    hahahaha you have lost

    stupid fuck
