Saturday, October 29, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Hillary’s Quickie Email Press Conference: Vote Early Before This Gets Worse!

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Hillary Quickie Email Press Conference: Vote Early Before This Gets Worse!: Patterico
Hillary sent ‘marked classified’ info to nonsecure Abedin account: Jerome R. Corsi
Did Huma Commit Perjury?: John Hinderaker

Reports: Thousands of Clinton emails on Weiner's computer: T. Becket Adams
FBI Notes Reveal Security Concerns Over Huma Abedin: Paul Sperry
CNN: Clinton Campaign Stunned' by News of FBI Investigation: David Rutz

Wikileaks: Hillary Camp Doesn’t Much Respect ‘F***ing Dumb’ Millennials: Jim Hoft
Leaked Emails: Clinton Staffers Struggled With Bill's Women ‘Issues’: Peter Hasson
Clinton FBI Bombshell Sends Senate Democrats Scrambling: ARP

The Victors and the Vanquished: Christian Mercenary
Leaked Email Reveals What Hillary Was Willing To Do To Silence Trey Gowdy: RWN
#PodestaEmails: Why The Vast Clinton Email Corruption Case Matters: Nina Bookout

Scandal Central

FBI reopens Clinton email investigation after new messages found: Fox
Clinton demands FBI make public reason for reopening email probe: S.A. Miller
This Week in Clinton Corruption for October 28, 2016: BattleSwarm

How Huma Abedin's loyalty to her pervert husband Anthony Weiner could torpedo her boss: DailyMail
New Clinton emails were discovered during Weiner sexting investigation: Brian Murphy
JW Lawsuit for FBI Records: Tarmac Meeting Between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch: JW

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Clintons failed to get permits for rushed home renovation: Bob Fredericks
Super Cold Winter Days Are Now ‘Climate Change’: RWN


Dear Mainstream Media: Paul Joseph Watson (NSFW)
"Dickileaks" - Tomorrow's New York Post Front Page: ZH
Robby Mook Delete: Twitter

Shapiro Discusses His New Novel And Healing The GOP With Mark Levin: Hank Berrien
Wikileaks email: “Warning to Hillary” from liberal blogger: Sharyl Attkisson
Times, Post Seem Rather Upset About FBI Reopening Hillary Server Case: RWN


Congress: Attorney General Lynch ‘Pleads Fifth’ on Secret Iran ‘Ransom’ Payments: Adam Kredo
European Firms Seek to Buy Iran’s Heavy Water: Senior Nuclear Official.: MFS-TON
Culture-Enrichers Demand Armani: GoV

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Bombshell FBI story on Clinton’s emails not trending on Facebook news: Twitchy
Reddit Users Declare War On Hillary’s Paid Internet Trolls: Peter Hasson
Here’s What Elon Musk Revealed At the New Tesla Product Unveiling: Futurism


Ready For Hillary?: MOTUS
Weiner's boner disrupts prez race: Marathon
Here’s What Could Happen if Hillary Clinton is Indicted or Steps Down: Ronn Blitzer

Image: Clinton demands FBI make public reason for reopening email probe
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund



  1. Anonymous1:22 PM


    That should give them some additional leverage if migrant settlement negotiations.

    Reporters distracted by Russia losing the seat. They have not focused on who is getting it. The US Media at work.....

  2. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I want some assurance from Hillary that my million and a half wasn't wasted. I expect a return, and she had better find a way to clean this up. Promises were made, I want them kept.

  3. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Re the photo: It's a thin line between love and hate.
