Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Larwyn's Linx: Trump's victory no surprise except to deluded elites

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Trump's victory no surprise except to deluded elites: Commentator
Hillary Clinton Will Never Be President: Chris Pandolfo
A loud cheer for the Silent Majority that lifted Trump to victory: Todd Starnes

President Trump Will Have Republican Senate, House, Supreme Court: InfLib
The Obama Era Is Over: Daniel Greenfield
May God Bless President Trump: David French

John Podesta’s New Global Order: Cliff Kincaid
The Government May Be Allowed to Ban Books and Movies: RCP
Hillary finishes campaign with Huma by her side: Daniel Halper

This insanely accurate model is still predicting a Trump victory: Danika Fears
Black voting low, threatens Clinton: Paul Bedard
Voto secreto Trump? Hispanics back deportation, want immigration slashed: Paul Bedard


Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,977,000: Terence P. Jeffrey

Scandal Central

Wikileaks shows Department of Justice tipping off Hillary camp about damaging info!!: Scoop
Voters Complain of Ballots Pre-Filled for Democrats: Ronn Blitzer

Climate, Energy & Regulations

The End of the Green Age: WUWT
Trump would drain the climate-swamp: JoNova


Carl Bernstein: Trump wins if ‘alternate universe’ of Drudge is right: TheHill
CNN reporter gets unexpected answer when he asks woman if she's excited for first female president: Olivery Darcy
Hillary Clinton supporters weep openly as gleeful Donald Trump fans chant 'lock her up': DailyMail


Donald Trump Won. Prepare For Uncharted Geopolitical Waters in Asia: Ankit Panda
Two-Thirds of Saudis Prefer Hillary: Al Arabiya
Sexy Nun or Sexy Burka – What’s the Difference?: Clarion

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Elon Musk's Plan To Get Us To Mars (In Less Than 90 Seconds): Jason Lederman
5 Minutes Is All This App Needs To Reduce Your Stress: DigitalTrends
Great Britain's Last-Ditch Weapons: War is Boring


One Step Back From the Brink: Springer's Blog
A Drone Flew Over Auschwitz- What You Will See in the Video Has Been Waiting for Decades...: NewsFoxes
Abstain! Abstain!: 90 Miles

Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund



  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "Do you believe in miracles?" It has happened again.
    At the 11 minute mark:

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Michael Moore nailed it too:

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    If you remember, we were here once before.
    It's morning in America again.
