Thursday, January 19, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: The Ghost of Robespierre

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The Ghost of Robespierre: The Z Man
Why Term-Limiting People Like John Lewis Would be Good for the Nation: Jen Kuznicki
Border town residents face daily threat from trafficking: Fox

The Left's Nutty Tactics Almost Make Me Want to Switch Sides: CoyoteBlog
Close the border Donald!: Ann Corcoran
Michigan: CAIR shakes down Dept of Corrections over sharia meals: Creeping

Trump says he's working on a plan to accommodate DREAMers: DailyMail
Obama to respond if Trump threatens Dreamers, rights: DailyMail
Law would cut off aid to countries that refuse to accept illegal immigrant criminals: Fox

Obama Predicted To Pre-Pardon Hillary If She Isn’t Charged Before His Leave: RWN
Saul Alinsky Leaves the White House: Quin Hillyer
Clinton Family Friend Arrested for Threatening to Kill Trump: RWN


Here’s why Moody’s is warning of an Illinois death spiral: Illinois Policy
Betsy DeVos vs. the education status quo: Chicago Tribune Editorial Board
What Happens to Cities Overrun With Democrats?: Down Trend

Scandal Central

Report: John Lewis didn't pay taxes on his nearly $1 million DC downhouse: GotNews
Dawnna Dukes Indicted on 15 Counts, Faces 28 Years in Jail: BattleSwarm
Is Pizzagate ‘fake news’? Maybe…Maybe not.: Breaking 911

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Navajo Nation vows to fight EPA for toxic mine spill: Fox News


Dear press corps: We don't believe you.: Don Surber
CNN Smears Tom Price With Fake News: EIB
College Dem exec jumps ship as Party drifts to extreme left: Kassy Dillon

Dear Rosie: EveryJoe
Bill Maher puts Hollywood ‘bubble’ on notice: ‘We’re the losers now’: Times
Krauthammer on the hypocrisy over the Manning commutation: Fox News Video


Keith Ellison Lies to CNN: IPT
Ft. Lauderdale Airport Killer Did It for ISIS: Sara Noble
Canada: Syrian Refugee Sexually Assaults 14-Year Old School Girl: Creeping

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

When Invisible Borders Trump the Real Ones: Richard California
Here Come The AIs To Make Office Workers Superfluous: TechDirt
Uber Versus the World: Cash Edition: The Information


Discoverers of Lost City of Monkey God Almost Lose Their Faces to Flesh-Eating Parasite: Ancient Origins
Clinton, 1995, immigration, SOTU: C-Span
One by one, 3 utility workers descended into a manhole. One by one, they died: Breaking 911

Image: Avalanche in Italy Buries Hotel, Leaving up to 30 Missing
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "As a person with four decades in newspapering, now retired, I do not blame [newspaper] readers in the least.

This election cycle has shown that the news business is dominated by social justice warriors who push a narrative rather than tell stories in a fair and balanced manner.

From John Harwood asking Trump in a debate if he was running a comic book campaign, to John Harwood secretly asking questions from the Clinton campaign, to Donna Brazile giving the Clinton campaign debate questions ahead of time, no intelligent voter should trust the news media to deliver news that is fair, impartial, and balanced.

I thank you, personally, for opening our eyes once and for all to the folly of the Fourth Estate." --Don Surber


  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Access was denied on third article in today's links

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM

    What about this link?

  3. Anonymous8:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
