Saturday, January 07, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: Jihadists Train, Plan U.S. Attack from Mexican Border State of Nuevo León

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Jihadists Train, Plan U.S. Attack from Mexican Border State of Nuevo León: JW
Trump Plans To Build Wall On Border Now, Still Expects Mexico To Pay: Nina Bookout
DNC Chair Candidate Forum to Be Held at Anti-Israel Restaurant: Brent Scher

New Solutions: The Z Man
Hard to Leave: Robert Ehrlich
Obama ignores facts with boastful ‘greatest hits’ list: Jon Gabriel

Obama Still Doesn’t Get America: James Lewis
Hypocrisy Alert: Manchin Flip-Flops On Whether He’d Have Voted For Obamacare: ARP
Schumer: A good example of why we need term limits in Congress: Jen Kuznicki

Why Trump is spot-on about the Russians and the election: John Reed Stark
Intel Report On Russia And Wikileaks: Herschel Smith
US intel report on Clinton leaks provides no evidence of Russian involvement: TheDuran


IRS prioritized Obamacare over taxpayer customer service, IG report says: Stephen Dinan
States with right-to-work and no income tax grew fastest in Obama era: Michael Barone
Kentucky could be a right-to-work state by next week: David Freddoso

Scandal Central

Foreign Government Bought Influence in US Election: Cube
Ranchers spar with Obama over new national monuments in Utah and Nevada: Fox
Planned Parenthood, Abortion Clinics Overbilled Taxpayers by Over $130 Million, Report Finds: Christian Post

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Obama issuing record number of 'midnight' regulations: Times


Leon Panetta Surfaces – Sweating Bullets and With a Frog In His Throat: Treehouse
Will California secede from the United States? I hope so.: Jon Rappoport
Comparing: Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says: Newsdiffs

Surprise: NY Times Uses Ft. Lauderdale Shooting To Bash Trump, Gun Owners: RWN
If You Listen to Liberals, Why Not Kidnap and Torture White People?: John Hawkins
WaPo Worries Videotaped Torture Evidence Of Anti-White Racism: DC


Israeli satellite spots launchers for Russian nuclear-capable missiles in Syria: The Times of Israel
North Korea's nuclear capability growing every day, top US diplomat warns: Fox
Exclusive: IP address at Ontario power utility linked to alleged Russian hacking: CTVNews

Don’t listen to the lyin’ media. THIS is what Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn believes: CR
A Disaster He's Proud Of: Lee Smith
Thousands fired in new wave of Turkey coup purges: AFP

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Hologram First: Scientist Create Color Holograms Using Nanoblocks: Futurism
IoT spending to reach $1.3 trillion by 2020 on hardware investment: Donal Power
A Map of America's Noise Levels: Mary Beth Griggs


Oh, You’ve Made Us Proud Honey!: MOTUS
‘It is over’: Congress certifies Trump’s win, over last-ditch Dem objections: Fox
Trump defeats Kasich in proxy war for control of Ohio GOP: Exam

Image: Suspect in Fort Lauderdale Attack Booked and Held for Murder, Airport Slowly Resumes Flights
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Obama has been frequently described as a “professor of constitutional law,” but he has never shown a single sign of appreciation, care or even understanding of the US Constitution. For Obama, the US Constitution is just an obstacle to be circumvented or simply ignored. A few weeks ago he told us that the Electoral College is “outdated” apparently because the American States are now largely under the thumb of the Feds. The Electoral College was originally designed to give States a voice in the election of the Chief Executive of the nation...

...No other president in US history, not even FDR with his four elections, nor Wilson in WWI, nor Lincoln in the Civil War, has shown such utter contempt for the most successful long-term electoral government in human history. Obama has never bothered to hide his contempt for the Constitution.

In all those ways he came as a stranger to our most revered political values, and he is leaving exactly the same way.

He has learned nothing." --James Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "He has learned nothing", and he has gotten stranger.
