Sunday, February 05, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: Berkeley and Hitler

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Berkeley and Hitler: Scott Adams
Truth: the best disinfectant: Cold Fury
The Spontaneous Demonstrations at Our Airports Were Carefully Planned: Elephant

Judge Who Halted Trump Immigration Order is a Whack-Job: Patterico
Federal judge sides with White House on refugee issue: Anna Giaritelli
Justice Department to appeal judge's order to block Trump's travel ban: Daniel Chaitin

UC Berkeley Thug Who Beat Conservative – Is University Staff Member: Jim Hoft
Preschool Teacher to BLM: Kill White People and Kill the White House: RWN
Union-lackey Democrats fight to stop DeVos: Exam

The Power of Optimism: Elephant
Anti-Trump Judge Involved in Migrant Issues: Daniel Greenfield
We'll Remind Voters That Sens. Murkowski and Collins Abandoned DeVos: Herman Cain


House chairman to sanctuary cities: 'Your money is gone': Paul Bedard
Infosys' U.S. workforce is mostly South Asian and no accident, plaintiffs allege: Patrick Thibodeau
What Will H-1B Visa Restrictions Mean for Silicon Valley?: Scott Budman

Scandal Central

The Final Obama Scandal: WS
Unexpectedly: Man freed early from life sentence by Obama back in jail: Guillermo Contreras
House Intel, Foreign Affairs Committee Compromised By Rogue IT Staff: Luke Rosiak

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Opinion Activism On News Page: GOP Hurries To Slash Oil And Gas Rules: RWN
How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data : DailyMail


No, the GOP Did Not Just Repeal Background Check System or Give Guns to the Mentally Ill: Charles C. W. Cooke
NYT snubs top-selling book on abortionist Gosnell: Paul Bedard
Melissa McCarthy Plays Sean Spicer Going Nuts on the Press in Hilarious SNL Sketch: J.D. Durkin

More Fake News: Cold Fury
"How protesters plan to get under Trump’s skin wherever he goes.": Althouse
Slate Has a Problem With Powerful Women: Bill McMorris


SECDEF Mattis an Instant Hit in Japan, South Korea: RCD
Fear of New Wave Of Displacement As Fighting Escalates In Iraq: AINA
Ninth Circuit allows migrants from terror hotspots to resume entering the country: Ann Corcoran

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

How we hacked our way to over 500 subscriptions in under 24 hours: Alec Pestov
Facebook Releases New Research into How People Respond After a Break-Up: Andrew Hutchinson
Scientists Invent Device That Can Detect 17 Diseases From Your Breath, Including Cancers: Paul Ratner


This Just Happened: American Digest
Failure of American Journalism: Pizzagate and the muzzling of Ben Swann: Fellowship
A Football Game Is Just a Football Game: A Family Is Forever: MOTUS

Image: Super Bowl 51 Completes the Left’s Hyper-Politicization of Absolutely Everything
Sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund

QOTD: "Has Google, the world’s most popular search engine, changed the definition of the word “fascism” to protect liberal mobs using violence to silence those who disagree with them politically? The evidence suggest they have.

You see it on signs at every protest or riot — liberals accuse President Donald Trump of being a fascist. The word’s association with Adolf Hitler and its use now is no accident, it’s meant to strike fear in people’s hearts of tyranny.

Merriam-Webster defines the word “fascism” as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” The secondary definition is “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”

This definition reflects the fact that Nazis were, in fact, both fascists and of the political left. They were the “National Socialist German Workers Party,” which favored a heavy-handed government in business and the personal lives of its citizens." --Derek Hunter

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    There is very little about Seattle of which to be proud anymore. That the State which counts votes till dRATS win is troubling enough but then they, like Gov. Gregoire suck up to Washington to implement policy and take Federal funds; this percolates to Unions, to the Mayoral/homosexual/urban fundfest in Seattle, the buildings built for the homeless, public places to shoot dope, legal pot, wasted money on Education, minority rights, Bloomberg/Gates initiatives, and a path to work for all these 'movers and shakers' as they go to work in DC. You wonder where Trillions went(?) part of it was to this Jet City as they implemented a Progressive Agenda ramrodded in part by the likes of "the Senator in Sneakers", Patty Murray.
    And you wonder how Judge Robart crawled out from under a rock? They call the local rag "The Seattle Slimes", and that is a characteristic shared by Unions, the Press, Politicians, Judges, and Slugs everywhere in George Washington's Evergreen State.
