Friday, March 31, 2017

Biff Spackle Fixed the Doodle 4 Google Contest Winner For ‘Em

An enterprising and talented 10th grader from Connecticut won the annual Google contest to create its home page logo:

A Connecticut student gets to share her vision of the future with the world, with a little help from Google.

Sarah Harrison, a 10th grader from Bunnell High School in Connecticut, won the annual Doodle 4 Google competition with her drawing showing peace and diversity among people from all walks of life. The theme for the ninth annual contest, in which Harrison squared off against hundreds of thousands of other entries, was "What I see for the future...".

"I wanted to draw something that I hoped would show that we can all get along well, and that it's possible for us to be happy with each other," the 15-year-old told Google. Along with having her art displayed Friday on prime internet real estate with Google's hundreds of millions of views, Harrison will win a $30,000 college scholarship and a trip to the Googleplex in Mountain View.

The winning entry:

Summer Intern Biff Spackle was kind enough to offer a slight correction to the doodle:

In an exclusive interview, Spackle observed that his new and improved logo was "...based upon this children's television show from the Middle East."

Hat tip: BadBlue Real-Time News.


  1. Everything we see and know about the disastrous ramifications of diversity = Out of the mouths of babes, this DOODLE is 1st-rate propaganda, spun from the Leftist/Feminist-Cult's indoctrination centers (aka schools).
    This WAR is for our minds.

  2. Looks like the Jewish and Christian girls have been punched in the face a couple times.

  3. Anonymous12:47 AM

    ‘I Tried Not to Vomit’

  4. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Boom! Nailed it.
