Thursday, March 23, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: No Thug Left Behind

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No Thug Left Behind: Katherine Kersten
Chuck Schumer’s Latest Ploy: Delay Gorsuch Vote Till After FBI Russia Probe: The Lid
On Trump’s Travel Ban, Gorsuch More Likely to Oppose It Than Garland: Ilya Shapiro

The Trump Surveillance Scandal Just Blew Wide Open: Nate Madden
Senate parliamentarian tells Mike Lee they can likely repeal more of Obamacare: Scoop
Pelosi Stumped When Asked Who Leader Of Democratic Party Is: Mary Katharine Ham

Supreme Court Finds Obama Violated the Constitution in a 6-2 Decision: Sentinel
Obama "DREAMER" Charged With Murder Of Two Teens In Colorado: IACR
De Blasio: We Are Preparing NYC Schools to Resist ICE Agents: Cortney O'Brien

Doctors Can Improve Health Care– Not Government: Julie Borowski
Introducing the Menace of Microinequities: Dave Blount
Trump Administration Hosting First Anti-ISIS Coalition Meeting: FoxBiz


Assembly Bill 946 - California looking to punish contractors who help build wall: AT
Obamacare’s $1 Trillion Tax Burden & Beyond: GOP
WUT: Ezekiel Emanuel Meeting Trump To Help Plan Trumpcare: Daily Wire

Scandal Central

Chairman Nunes Says Trump’s General Use of “Wiretapping” Was Correct: LI
Nunes: FBI Not Cooperating with Our Investigation into Trump Camp Surveillance: Grabien
Another Reason To Impeach Anti-Trump Judge Theodore Chuang: CHQ

Illegal Lobbying: Oh-oh! Rahm's private emails are spilling the beans: Thomas Lifson
Suspect in rape at Maryland school was stopped 7 months ago by Border Patrol: WaPo
Graphic details emerge of violent sexual assault of girl, 14: DailyMail


Hannity on Maryland high school rape: 'We're not protecting the American people': Fox
Mothers of sons killed by illegals weigh in on rape scandal: Fox
Parliament terror attack celebrated by ISIS as revenge for airstrikes in Mosul: TheSun


UK: Witness saw Muslim with 8-inch knife heading toward Parliament building: Robert Spencer
London under attack — and leftists laughing at Tommy Robinson: Caolan Robertson
Five dead, around 40 injured in UK parliament 'terrorist' attack: Reuters

‘Where Are Your Jews?’ Watchdog Rebukes Arab States Accusing Israel of Apartheid: Algemeiner
Islamic extremists declare a Sharia law zone in a London suburb: DailyMail
Tories accuse Liberals of ‘ramming through whatever the f— they want’ to make changes to House procedure: NP

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Battery Bombs - U.S. Raid in Yemen Led to Laptop Ban on Flights, Officials Say: DailyBeast
Retrofuturistic Dreams: Postponed, but Not Yet Failed: Merkle
BlackBerry’s clever new Android app keeps people from peeping at your screen: TNW


This Special Needs Teacher Needs Your Help Getting iPads: A.P. Dillon
Lawyer for Russian whistleblower's family falls out of apartment building before court date: CNBC
Say “Cheese”: MOTUS

Image: Four killed, 40 injured in vehicle and knife assault near British Parliament
Sponsored by: This Special Needs Teacher Needs Your Help Getting iPads

QOTD: "Three intelligence sources told The Daily Beast that the ban on carry-on electronics aboard U.S.-bound flights from 10 airports in North Africa and the Middle East was the result of information seized during a U.S. raid on Al Qaeda in Yemen in January. The United Kingdom joined the U.S. ban Tuesday.

Information from the raid shows al Qaeda's successful development of compact, battery bombs that fit inside laptops or other devices believed to be strong enough to bring down an aircraft, the sources said. The battery bombs would need to be manually triggered, a source explained, which is why the electronics ban is only for the aircraft cabin not checked luggage." --Jana Winter and Clive Irving

1 comment:

  1. RE: Gorsuch more likely to oppose travel ban than Garland

    Nonsense. Gorsuch's concurrence in Gutierrez-Brizuela is such a powerful statement illustrating our current perverted administrative state that I'm shocked that it hasn't had a higher profile. I'm angry that I hadn't even heard of it before now.

    With relevance to the immigration EO, the two examples provided by Shapiro show a consideration of the applicable laws and their precedence in relation to each other. Then, without pontificating on the issue itself, makes a ruling in accordance with that law. In comparison, based on the answers to his "favorite cases" questionnaire, Garland appears to view himself as the "Champion of the Underdog" and has used his considerable abilities to advance the issue rather than simply ruling on (or dissenting to) the letter of the law.

    I do not know what Garland's opinion is with regard to middle-eastern immigrants. I feel confident that Shapiro doesn't, either. What I do know is that there is no ambiguity in the relevant Code used as the basis for either EO. Given Gorsuch's attitude of "this is the law, if you don't like it, change it," I have much more confidence in his upholding the Order than a political windsock.
