Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: Obama's Wiretaps

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Obama's Wiretaps: Matthew Vadum
The Destroyer of Worlds: The Z Man
The Unbelievable Timeline of Leaks Relating to Donald Trump and Russia: Resurgent

Trump’s Historic Chance to Dismantle the Administrative State: Sen. Mike Lee
Summary: Trump's New Order on Refugees and Immigrants: Helen Klein Murillo
300 refugees subjects of FBI terror investigations, U.S. officials say: Catherine Herridge

This Is Today’s Left: Shot in the Dark
Schumer: We’re going to block Trump’s border wall: RWN
Steve King: Trump ‘Needs to Purge Leftists from Executive Branch’ Over Leaks: RWN

CIA, DOJ Sued Over Leaks of Classified Info About Former NSA Flynn: Adam Kredo
WikiLeaks #Vault7 release will reveal classified CIA info: TrueNews
Obama, Lynch and FISA: Winter Soldier


How the Market Creates Jobs and How the Government Destroys Them: Walter Block
Interest on Illinois’ pension debt is $9.1B per year: Michael Lucci
Random House to lose their butts on Obama memoirs: AWD

Scandal Central

When democrats lie to Congress there is never a downside: Flopping Aces
President Trump Directs White House Counsel to Find FISA Warrants: HeatSt
Sen. Grassley Launches Probe Into FBI Ties With British Spy Behind "Trump Dossier": ZH

Russian Hackers May Hold Damaging Info Seeking Hush Money from Liberal Groups: JWF
Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank: Richard Pollock
Catherine Herridge: “Obama Put His Hands On The Scales Of Justice”: 100%

Climate, Energy & Regulations

My $1 Million Climate Model Bet: Scott Adams


The Eight Power Centers Of The Trump Administration: Perry Bacon Jr.
Producer: CNN Focused Sniper-like Scope on Trump, Bannon To Simulate Oval Office Assassination: TruePundit
Ex-Obama Secret Service agent Bongino on Obama wiretaps – it’s about to ‘blow wide open’: Carmine Sabia

Be more dramatic Mika, you can’t.: Grace Curley
Washington Post Employee Caught Impersonating a Militant ICE Agent: Retort
White House Official Calls Out Raddatz for Anonymous Sources Hypocrisy: Nicholas Fondacaro


Netanyahu: Iran Behind 80% of Security Threats Facing Israel: The Tower
“And all the blame goes to…”: Sisyphus, Kerry and the Failure of “Peace” Negotiations: Augean Stables
School Kids Go to Suicidal Military Camps in Iran: Clarion

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Dark Web Has Shrunk by 85%: Catalin Cimpanu
Revlon revs up its omni-channel makeover with Amazon and Lady Gaga: Stuart Lauchlan
Goodyear unveils first AI-powered concept tyre: Alice MacGregor


Freedom’s Meaning: What Once United Us, Now Splinters Us Up and Divides Us: John Horvat II
Roadside America: MB
Dog Completes Hardest Race in the World Just to Find a Home: McKinley Corbley

Image: House leaders brace for the task ahead: selling ‘Obamacare Lite’
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund

QOTD: "Until now, Democrats and their media have been pleased to create the impression that all kinds of wiretapping operations were conducted against the Trump campaign, uncovering many scandalous, possibly illegal connections. Only by reading those articles carefully does one discover the sources are highly speculative and the evidence is thin at best.

The much-discussed New York Times piece from January 19 is a perfect example of this. It begins by matter-of-factly confirming the existence of the wiretaps everyone in Obamaworld is now swearing are a figment of Donald Trump’s imagination. Mountains of innuendo about connections between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence have been spun out of what these abruptly non-existent intercepts contained, according to the anonymous leakers who currently drive almost 100 percent of mainstream media coverage...

...Amazingly, the same media that just went through 48 hours of convulsions over a bogus “perjury” charge against Attorney General Jeff Sessions is happy to cite an actual, admitted perjurer, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, as an unimpeachable source on the exact issue he lied about to Congress. They also expect the American people to trust former Obama adviser Ben Rhodes, who openly bragged of his ability to mislead credulous reporters and construct phony narratives to sell the Iran nuclear deal...

...Sorry, DNC Media, no sale. In the absence of hard evidence one way or the other, Team Obama is not going to win a credibility shootout with Team Trump." --John Hayward


  1. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Looks like the President will need to start waterboardeding the CIA, one by one.
    Did you spot the bit about them hacking into cars for assassinations? No wonder Barry humped hard on driverless cars, it made it easier for him to kill people.
    Remember Putin's driver?

  2. Anonymous5:20 PM

    If Republicans persist in selling their brand of Healthy Kool-Aid instead of real reform they will be responsible for losing both the House and Senate next time around.
    Trump must turn this bunch into Steers

  3. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Remember Michael Hastings?
