Sunday, April 30, 2017

Larwyn's Linx: Portland and Berkeley: Sanctuary Cities for Leftist Violence

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Portland and Berkeley: Sanctuary Cities for Leftist Violence: Daniel Greenfield
Will Fascism Come to America through Its Colleges and Universities? : Roger L. Simon
DHS characterizes Portland's anti-Trump riot as 'terrorist violence:' report: OregonLive

Elizabeth Warren Jokes About Wanting to ‘Cut Open’ Republican ‘Bodies’: Sam Dorman
Obama's first 100 days as ex-president: Todd Shepherd
Levin: Speech-stomping Antifa blackshirts must be taken down: CR

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Rally Against NRA Fizzles In Atlanta: Bob Owens
AZ: Flagstaff Judge rules Police Video of Suspect Inadmissible as "Prejudicial": GunWatch
New GOP bill would punish students or faculty who interfere with free speech: Blaze

Bernie Sanders Takes Obama Down For $400k Speaking Fee!: RWN
Bill Maher calls Elizabeth Warren ‘Pocahontas’ to her face: TruePundit
Trump's greatest first 100-day success: Ronald J. Lampard


California’s war on the emerging generation: OCR
The ‘Taxation Is Theft’ Meme Has Officially Gone Mainstream: Alice Salles
Tillerson Cuts 2,300 Jobs From Bloated State Department: True Pundit

Scandal Central

Baltimore Announces Illegal Aliens Can Commit Any Crimes They Want: FPM
California Democrats Make Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Disappear: Lloyd Billingsley

Climate, Energy & Regulations

Bill Nye's View of Humanity Is Repulsive: David Harsanyi


Book Review – Shattered: Chicago Boyz
NY Times: Expand Your World, Hit The Beach In Alabama: RWN
CBS Frets Arrests of Drunk Driver Illegal Immigrants; Admits 72% Drop in Crossings: NB


Soviet Islam: The Real Story: Jim Simpson
Nothing to do with Islam? Muslim Cleric Urges Muslims to Stab Jews: Christopher W. Holton
Top 10: Germany bans face veil for army, civil service: Rebel

Russia's Unrelenting Attacks on Syrian Civilians: Genevieve Casagrande
Battling anti-Semitic image, Le Pen quietly visits Holocaust memorial: Times of Israel
Iran satellite TV head shot dead in Istanbul: JPost

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

What reality are you creating for yourself?: Isaac Lidsky
Urban farming flourishes in New York: Phys.Org
Engineers discover how to make bricks from Martian mud: Science Recorder


Fake Nerd Prom: MOTUS
If this doesn't get him noticed, nothing will: Японский иглобрюх создает шедевры на морском дне
Star Trek Fan Forced to Surrender ‘ASIMIL8’ License Plate for Being Offensive: Flopping Aces

Image: Trump invigorates, enchants crowd during rally in Harrisburg, Pa.
Sponsored by: My Beer Fund


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