Monday, August 28, 2017

EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Ex-President Obama Visits Storm-Weary Houston to Lend Support

Reminiscent of his presidency ("Obama’s refusal to interrupt vacation amid Louisiana flooding stirs anger"), summer intern Biff Spackle* snapped these photos of Barack Obama visiting Houston.

The former president -- as could have been predicted -- offered comfort, money, and much of his time to assist the victims.

Hahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahah *cough* hahahhahahahahahahhahah *wheeze* hahahhahahahhahahah *choke* hahahhahahahah *agh* hahha --- owww. I think I just wrenched my nimbus muscle.

* Must credit: SpackleVision Media Worldwide or something.


  1. At least he wore his red MAGA hat!

  2. In 2014, Obama skipped the Memorial Service for NYPD officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos to continue vacationing in Hawaii.
