Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: FBI Approached Oleg Deripaska in September 2016, for Help Framing Trump-Russia

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): "None of us were invited. This trip started two weeks ago when I was walking down the Senate hallway and I turned to Lindsey and said, 'Hey, in two weeks we are moving the embassy, why don't we go to Jerusalem and go there together.' Lindsey said, 'Fantastic. Great idea. Let's do it,' and we put together this trip, and Dean [Heller] and Mike [Lee] both said, "I want to be there.' You look at the 10 House members who came, any member of Congress could have come here as part of the congressional delegation. There was no administration invitation. There was no one in the White House who decided who they want. There were Senators who decided to show up. Former Senator Joe Lieberman chose to be here. It wasn't a formal invitation. I'm gratified by those who came, but I am saddened. Support for Israel should not be a partisan issue, and it's worrisome that the fallout of President Obama's Iran deal is that more and more we are seeing a divide along partisan lines. That's not good for Israel, and it's not good for America."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Why in God's name Cruz ever suggested this to RINO and NeverTrump scumbag Graham is beyond me.
