Saturday, September 08, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: Joe DiGenova Drobs a Bomb: Rosenstein Under Investigation by IG

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The Second Coming: A Thriller... A child cloned from the blood on the Shroud of Turin has the potential to save the world—or destroy it for good.
Joe DiGenova Drobs a Bomb: Rosenstein Under Investigation by IG: Hannity
Democrats’ Hostility to the Constitution Laid Bare: John Hinderaker
Mark Levin Explains Left's Plan for Trump: 'A Mutiny,' 'Sabotage,' 'a Silent Coup': Levin

The Audacity of Obama: Rabbi Yaakov Menken
Obama slams POTUS with fiery speech; Trump counters, 'I fell asleep': Fox
What I remember about President Obama: @HeshmatAlavi

Who Elected You, Steady State?: Angelo Codevilla
Cory Booker Is Sharpton, Not Spartacus: Daniel John Sobieski
Kamala Harris Tweets Deceptively Edited Video to Smear Kavanaugh: Alex Griswold

Sixty Day DOJ/FBI Election Window Closes Today…: CTH
Left is noticing Trump's success: Don Surber
The Elephant at the Southern Border: Robert Weissberg


Trump on Obama's Speech: "I'm sorry, I watched it, but I fell asleep: Ace
Obama Goes Full Marxist Death Cult: Ace
Ocasio Gets Knocked Out: Steve Feinstein

Scandal Central

Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos sentenced to 14 days: Adam Shaw
DNC: Papadopoulos's UK contact may be dead: John Bowden
The Declassification Conundrum…: CTH


Outrage, Inc.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood: Prager
Brace yourself. I’m going to figuratively stomp on the brakes.: @Torian_Girl
Cruz challenger Beto O'Rourke's campaign denies asking VFW to remove flags for campaign event: Fox

The Lost Frontier: Mark Steyn
Hashtag #AllAboutMe: Obama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech: Victor Skinner
A Warning From Heather Mac Donald: Elephant


Iran's Economy Can't be Shielded from U.S. Sanctions: James Phillips
Trump says he is expecting new letter from Kim Jong Un: Tal Axelrod
Officials Find A Mass Grave In Mexico: Sasha Ingber

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

The Judge Kavanaugh Hearing and Tech Policy: P&F
Gits exposed, kinky app devs spanked, Feds spy on spyware buyers, etc: Shaun Nichols
All languages speak syllables at about the same rate. Neuroscientists now know why: Phililp Perry


The Bee Explains: Common Racist Hand Signals: Bee
Shut Up And Eat Your Beans and Corn: MOTUS
I Don't Necesarily Treasure the Right to Vote: Coyote Blog

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  1. This perhaps may be the intended link/tweet/thread for "What I remember about President Obama: @HeshmatAlavi"
    PS- Haven't been here in awhile though I try to stay informed. Dang, we're might lucky to have this blog and its links! Thank you, Doug.

  2. Video - Judge Jeanine: You're the reason Trump is president, Barack
