Sunday, September 16, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: Lisa Page Bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia ties before Mueller appointment

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The Second Coming: A Thriller... A child cloned from the blood on the Shroud of Turin has the potential to save the world—or destroy it for good.
Lisa Page: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia ties before Mueller appointment: John Solomon
Carter Page Discusses Possibility of His FISA Warrant Being Declassified: CTH
Bruce Ohr's Deep Scam: Pushing His Wife’s Opposition Research To The FBI: Adam Mill

In the Russia Probe, It’s ‘Qui S’excuse S’accuse’: Andrew C. McCarthy
Manafort to Cooperate With Mueller: Ace
The Deep State, Obama, and Destroying America: Todd Royal

Kavanaugh Classmate Named, Says, It’s “Just Absolutely Nuts”: Sara Noble
Democrats bulldozed 'high ground' with Kavanaugh letter: Jonathan Turley
Dem senator attacks anonymous misconduct allegation to halt Kavanaugh: Hill

Everyone’s Urinating On The Dossier Now!: Ann Coulter
How to prevent a mid-term “blue wave”: Kurt Schlichter
NY Governor: Progressive Wave ‘Not Even A Ripple’: Jazz Shaw


A US tech company was found guilty of abusing the H-1B visa: Ananya Bhattacharya
GOP: The economy will shield us from blue wave: Hill
Obama Takes Credit for Economic Success: Mike Brest

Scandal Central

Never mind Paul Manafort, the Mueller inquiry is the biggest scandal in US history: Roger Kimball
New Evidence: Comey Misled Congress: Brendan Pringle
Scandularity: A Summary of a Summary of Two Summaries: BattleSwarm


Enemies of the people. Straight-up enemies of the people.: Ace
I spent 2 days flying with Trump aboard Air Force One. Here's what it's like.: Linda Feldmann
VICE: There Are No 'Good Guys With a Gun': AWR Hawkins


Trump poised to win $5 billion to build border wall: Paul Bedard
Did John Kerry Commit Treason?: Meria Svirsky
Trump weighs replacing Mattis after 2018 midterm elections: Report: Katelyn Caralle

What if China sets up a naval base in Venezuela?: Tom Rogan
Fisking the NYT on Oslo at 25: Richard Landes
Google, China create search engine that censors searches and links them to users' phones: Katelyn Caralle

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Mysterious observatory evacuation stirs alien conspiracy theories: Eric Mack
Science fiction was around in medieval times – here's what it looked like: Phys.Org
Everything we know about Samsung’s foldable phone: Antonio Villas-Boas and Clancy Morgan


Male-to-Female Transgender Placed in Women's Prison, and You Won't Believe What Happens Next: Ace
The Post-Normal $ocialist: Oca$io-Cortez: MOTUS
President Trump endorsed #MAGA Candidates: @GOPPollAnalyst

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    With regards to your "A US tech company was found guilty of abusing the H-1B visa" link, it took a little searching, since his name has been scrubbed from the company's web site, based on now dead links from search engines to it, but the founder and CEO of People Tech Group is Vishwa Prasad. He and is company are no more "American" than I am dot (or feather) Indian.
