Monday, November 05, 2018

HELPFUL MAP: Your Road to the Polls

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Can't read the fine print at the bottom? It reads:

Make them cry on Tuesday night

Remember election night, 2016? Seeing the stunned looks, the crying, the hysteria, the panic, and the angst among the elites, the media and the Beltway establishment? We can do this again. We can do it with your help and energy. Take a few friends to the polls. Take your elderly relatives. Take anyone you know who otherwise wouldn’t vote.

Make them cry on Tuesday night!

Need to find your polling place? Click here. Say a prayer, then go out and vote!


  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Vote Republican.
    Even one vote for a Democrat is a vote to destroy this constitutional republic.

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    VOTE REPUBLICAN. If the Democrats take over the Majority in the House, the first thing they will do is shut down the ongoing Congressional investigations of the Obama Administration's using Federal employees to spy on the candidate from the opponent political party BEFORE and AFTER THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION in 2016. This is the worst Elections scandal in our country's history. It is a serious threat to our Constitutional form of government. The traitors must be punished or we can expect such scandalous use of the Intelligence agencies and Federal employees to continue in the future.

  3. JOBS Not MOBS - GOP Ad
