Saturday, December 08, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: Comey and the FISA Warrant Hillary Bought

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Comey and the FISA Warrant Hillary Bought: George Neumayr
Nine Days in May: The Quiet Struggle Between Rosenstein and McCabe: Jeff Carlson
A Home Run by Trump: Andrew C. McCarthy

Why Michael Flynn Was Set Up: Debra Heine
Will the 2020 Presidential Election be the Most Violent in Our History?: Martin Armstrong
NJ Won’t Say How It Will Enforce Magazine Confiscation After Court Upholds Law: WFB

High intrigue surrounds Mueller filing in Manafort case: TheHill
Prosecutors Recommend ‘Substantial’ Prison Term for Michael Cohen: Jack Crowe
Jerry Nadler Vows to End House Probe into DOJ-Democrat Collusion: Joshua Caplan

What I Learned Over Lunch With the Real Jamal Khashoggi: Joseph P. Duggan
Tillerson in Texas: “[Trump's ideas] violate(s) the law.”: Sergio Chapa
Trump Slams Tillerson Back: ‘Dumb as a Rock,’ ‘Lazy As Hell’: Paul Crookston


Largest Oil and Gas Reserves Ever Assessed Found in U.S.: Merrill Hope
Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal ‘Pretty Much All Fantasy-land’: Charles Fain Lehman
The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers: PragerU

Scandal Central

McCabe, Rosenstein opened secret obstruction probe into Trump: Anna Giaritelli
The frantic scramble before Mueller got the job: CNN
FBI Lawyer Prevented 'Evasive' James Comey From Answering Key Questions: Debra Heine

Clinton Foundation whistleblowers have come forward with hundreds of pages of evidence: Fox
Clinton Foundation on the Hot Seat for Potential Misappropriation of Funds: LifeZette
Federal court blasts DoJ, State Dept.; orders discovery plan for Clinton-related emails: NatlSent


Snopes Exposed Again as Radical Left Opinion Site, But Not a Fact-Checker: Lucas Nolan
Dershowitz: Mueller report 'will blur the line between crimes and sins' to put Trump 'in a bad light': Joe Concha
Hillary Paid for Steele Dossier, We’re Paying for Mueller Dossier: EIB

Women's Rights Activist: Linda Sarsour 'Empowering' Islamic 'Torture, Terror, Rape': Tyler O'Neil
Jewish Columnist Supports Palestinian Terrorism: Stuart Schneiderman
Oscars Dump Kevin Hart over Old Gay Jokes… Comic Won’t Apologize to Woke Mob: Joshua Caplan


China and America Compete for World Dominance: Stuart Schneiderman
Germans Face Rail Strikes Over Christmas As Wage Talks Fail: OAN
Merkel loses party leadership in Germany: Chris Tomlinson

Paris Burning and the Existential Crisis: BattleSwarm
French government expecting “great violence” on Saturday: Chris Tomlinson
FREXIT? French protesters call for EU EXIT as Macron fails to control deadly Paris riots: Express

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Ebola spreads to major Congo city as vaccines a concern: AP
Sound waves are used to 'levitate' tiny beads: DailyMail
Organizers of gene-editing meeting blast Chinese study but call for ‘pathway’ to human trials: ScienceMag


AOTW 12/7/2018: GOC
Absolutely Nothing.: MOTUS
Couldn't Sleep: Sondrakistan

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Blah blah blah. Same crap over and over....
