Monday, December 10, 2018

Larwyn's Linx: Will the Leakers in the Flynn Case Escape Justice?

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Laurence Gonzales’s bestselling Deep Survival has helped save lives from the deepest wildernesses, just as it has improved readers’ everyday lives.
Will the Leakers in the Flynn Case Escape Justice?: Julie Kelly
Obama spied on Trump illegally: Don Surber
The Truth Remains: Christian Mercenary

The Caravan: Warfare by Other Means: Wilder
Democrats Plan for the President’s Impeachment and Imprisonment: S. Noble
What the Facebook Wars are Really About: Daniel Greenfield

Ocasio-Cortez Refuses To Divulge Where She Stands On BDS Movement: DC
Gun Control Fail: California Firearm Homicides Up 18 Percent : AWR Hawkins
NYC has a mayor who doesn’t even show up for work: Post

NJ: ICE Arrests 105 Illegal Aliens, Including Some Wanted by Interpol: LI
Congress reluctant to hold selves accountable for sexual harassment payments: Jazz Shaw
Massive USAF War Drill Over Nevada Simulated Forcible Entry Maneuver: ZH

Senior Kamala Harris Aide Resigns Over Sexual Misconduct Allegation: Ace
Soros funds antisemitism and then cries "Antisemitism!" when he's criticized: Ace
Comey’s testimony imitated Sgt. Schultz with amnesia: Thomas Lifson


Trump, in reversal, calls for Pentagon to raise budget request to $750B: Emily Birnbaum
San Francisco Becoming a ‘Sanctuary City’ for the Homeless: Kerry Jackson
Smart Move By University of Illinois: P&F

Scandal Central

Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney: Andrew C. McCarthy
Rand Paul downplays potential Trump campaign finance violations: Brett Samuels
Rand Paul: U.S. Will Be a 'Banana Republic' If Every President Investigated by Special Prosecutors: Breitbart

Comey Says FBI Didn’t Investigate Trump Campaign; however: CTH
A Potential Theory of Impeachment: Paul Mirengoff
Jim Jordan Discusses James Comey Testimony: CTH


The Pakistan government is accusing me of a crime – and Twitter is acting as its messenger: Anthony Furey
Marc Lamont Hill: “I’m Going [Plane Hijacker] Leila Khaled-Style”: Aussie Dave
If the Dems want to lose in 2020, Beto O’Rourke is the perfect candidate: Maureen Callahan

How Much Blood Would Leftists Be Willing To Shed To Disarm Patriotic Americans?: Kurt Schlichter
Migrants don't bring disease. In fact, they help fight it!: Cube
Noah Carl: Academics Denounce Scholar For Criticizing Incest: Steve Sailer


Did the Deep State sandbag President Trump with the Huawei arrest?: Spengler
Israel’s “gatekeepers” vs. democracy: Caroline Glick
The next Hezbollah-Israel war: Caroline Glick

The French People Feel Screwed: David Brown
1,400 Arrests in France as Yellow Vest Protests Spread Across Europe: CTH
Trump should 'dig in,' not 'give in' when it comes to border wall, Lindsey Graham says: Matthew Kazin

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Ancient, Unknown Strain of Plague Found in 5,000-Year-Old Tomb in Sweden: Charles Q. Choi
Tesla unveils hilarious video of passengers' reaction to record-breaking acceleration: DailyMail
These Cheap Little Refrigerators Can Provide Cooling Without Needing Any Kind of Power: GNN


Here’s One Reason They’re Called Collectivists: Earl of Taint
Oscars To Be Hosted By Boom Box Playing Inoffensive, Calming Ambient Noise: Babylon Bee
Monday Pun: GOC

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  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Civil War is Brewing: Prepare for President Trump to call upon American citizens to defend the Republic

  2. We're not waiting for our POTUS to ask us to rise up to defend the nation, and to defnd him, our choice. Here's what we're going to do:

    We are going to Washington. 10 million of us are going to Washington. We will stay there until we squeeze the last bit of pus--the administrative state--out of our nation's capitol. We'll sit in the hallways, tear down the phone lines, get arrested, get arrested again, and still we will come.

    We will stay until Congress stops the investigations. We will stay until the hallways and offices are clear of the pus and scum humans who think they are above the law. Right now there are; not forever.

    Not forever.

  3. Anonymous1:32 AM

    The Tesla video of passengers is interesting, but not quite as interesting as a King County employee driving an unmarked car sticking a gun in a biker's face.
