Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Larwyn's Linx: Potential Consequences of Spying on the Trump Campaign

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Unfreedom of the Press, Mark Levin's Devastating New Bestseller
Potential Consequences of Spying on the Trump Campaign: Fred Lucas
Comey Never Had Anything on Collusion to Give Mueller: EIB
Document Footnote Highlights Corruption of Mueller’s FBI Investigative Team: CTH

Migrants Storm Mexican Border, Jump Fence To Join Migrant Caravan: Emily Zanotti
Horrific Honor Killings in Phoenix: Meira Svirsky
Judge in Mar-a-Lago Chinese Spy Case Denies Bail: “up to something nefarious”: CTH

Pelosi is Not in Charge: Don Surber
Ilhan Omar: The Most Ungrateful Immigrant In America?: Matt Vespa
Why does anti-semite Omar's life matter more than Republicans'?: Daniel Greenfield

Liar, character assassin, bigot: Pete Buttigieg a natural leader for Dems: David Horowitz
Democrat enthusiasm is down: Don Surber
Rep. Swalwell Proposes Jailing Those Who Don’t Surrender Guns: Mediaite


Texas oasis of wealth and luxury thrives on trafficking near border: Isabel Vincent
Medicare for All Means Private Insurance for None: AmSpec
Bernie Sanders Town Hall's most buzzworthy moments: Fox

Scandal Central

Clinton loyalists used Obama's FBI to spread Russia conspiracy lies: Rowan Scarborough
Julian Assange affidavit unsealed: Caitlin Yilek & Jerry Dunleavy
Judicial Watch president estimates 900,000 illegal votes in recent midterm elections: 97.1 Talk

Has The DOJ Closed Its Inquiry Into Dossier Fabulist Christopher Steele?: Margot Cleveland
James Comey was a 'witness' in Mueller investigation, new court documents show: Jerry Dunleavy
Mueller Report to be Released/Delivered Thursday Morning: CTH


Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for April 15, 2019: BattleSwarm
Wikileaks or the Washington Post?: Julie Kelly
Bret Easton Ellis tells 'spoiled children' liberals on Trump he was elected, 'get over it.': Toby Harnden


France’s Failure: Paul Kengor
Notre Dame Burns, And A Civilization With It: JoshuaPundit
Notre Dame Cathedral fire being investigated as accident for now, prosecutors say: Samuel Chamberlain

French billionaires promise $300M to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral after brutal fire: Fox
France jails Muslim woman who plotted to blow up Notre Dame with gas canisters: Geller
Notre Dame looks ghostly inside after the fire. But it's still standing.: The Week

Catholic Churches Are Being Desecrated Across France - and Officials Don't Know Why: LegitGov
Major US Army Exercise to Focus on South China Sea: Steven Stashwick
Gazans Blast Hamas for ‘Trading Children for Fish’: UIW

Sci-Tech (courtesy BadBlue Tech News)

Hackers Breach FBI Websites: NoisyRm
US feds’ names, home and email addresses hacked and posted online: Sophos
NASA's TESS Exoplanet Mission Finds 1st Earth-Size Alien World: Mike Wall


If You Don’t Know Who the Idiot Is, It’s You: MOTUS
Thread o' the Day: @Shem_Infinite
Former Dem. Sen. Kerrey: Democrats Are ‘Delusional’ Over Russia Investigation: Nic Rowan

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:09 AM

    So, Assange is under arrest, but scumwad Manning is free as a bird. Oh, yeah. There’s “justice” for you! (Rolls eyes)
